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Old_Zircon - 2014-02-26

DibbzTheLoner4 hours ago (edited)

Tyler wasn't even close to being too young to talk about that stuff.

When I was in primary school the kids were talking about how a period is when a girl bleeds from her vagina and a guy has to lie underneath her and drink it. Like, what the hell?
Kids may be stupid, but they talk about sex a LOT, even if half of what they're talking about is bizarrely wrong.

Sex Ed should start far sooner than it does, since by the time kids actually start learning the facts about sex/puberty/genitalia/reproduction they've already been speculating and discussing the topic for several years.

Hooker - 2014-02-27

Pretty much the moment you put two human beings in speaking distance of one another, it becomes a countdown until they start talking about sex.

I remember in grade one (so, six or seven years old) I ran off under the wooden steps leading to one our classrooms with two girls from my class and played show-me-yours-show-you-mine. I think I finally got formal sex education in grade eight (so, thirteen or fourteen years old), and it was broken down into two days. Day one, the teacher (male) quickly rattled off a bunch of random, scattered facts about sex that everyone was either too embarrassed or too confused to ask questions about, then said there would be a questions box and we could put questions in that for him to answer next week. The next week, half of the questions were joke questions, which the teacher (a former CFL linebacker, I should point out) quickly dismissed. One question was something to the effect of, "Why do I get purple spots after I shave my legs?" The teacher immediately dismissed the question as a joke answer, prompting the girl that probably asked it to immediately speak up, thus ruining the whole point of anonymous questions, because the clean-shaven teacher apparently had no idea about razor burn.

Honestly, I don't know why people don't just tell their kids as plainly as possible how all the most basic human biological systems work. If they grew up on a farm, they'd understand how mammals make babies way before they started grade school.

CornOnTheCabre - 2014-02-27

It's pretty telling that this person took this as a satire of how young people are sexualized too early, and not a satire of how grown-ups have an infantilized view of sexuality.

Old_Zircon - 2014-02-27

We had the question box too, I put in "why are condoms so small?"

The God of Biscuits - 2014-02-27

Matching the intelligence level of their viewers.

RockBolt - 2014-02-27

Starfix is always disturbingly accurate

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-02-27

Well I learned things.

Old_Zircon - 2014-02-27

I went to the grocery store today and this is way better after reading the headlines on the checkout line magazines.

One of them was "My butt won't stop growing!"

gmol - 2014-02-28

The headline said WHAT?

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