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Comment count is 12
Riskbreaker - 2014-03-09

Oh, this thing. I seriously love how many people were seriously considering this shit to be real.

infinite zest - 2014-03-09

I've been sort of noticing people posting things about the hoverboard on facebook, and how it's fake. Seems like an awful lot of work and celebrities to market a product that's fake, which ostensibly could be real at this point.

I was one of those kids who actually bought the air car kit from the back of Boys' Life, and with a lot of help from my dad, it really did kind of sort of work. It didn't hover like this, but it was moving without wheels. That was like 25 years ago. I'm no scientist, but I really can't understand how we couldn't actually have this technology. It'd make a lot of people happy about something they've wanted instead of piss them off even more with a clever ad for something that doesn't exist.

Also the girl from Best Coast pisses me off.

infinite zest - 2014-03-09

In the back of my mind I'm thinking this is some sort of advertising for a new Back to the Future movie, which could be cool.. to be honest though I only liked the first one. Plus that whole idea has been appropriated ad infinitum. Where's Marty go this time? Is it Marty's son? Stuff like that. He's either going forwards or backwards, and I see a Ghostbusters reboot (unfortunately probably not now) working better than a Back to the Future one.

EvilHomer - 2014-03-09

It's a prank by Funny or Douche. The celebrities are there because Funny or Dipshit is owned and operated by the film industry 1%, and this is the kind of shit they do: get celebrities to star in heavily scripted, pseudo-viral videos.

You could be right about the new Back to the Future thing, though. We're due for a reboot, and seeing the buzz this hoax has generated, I'm sure that even if they weren't thinking about doing a new one, they will be now.

I wish it were real, though. I remember back in elementary school, everyone in my class was convinced there was some company in Japan that actually made them. A part of me died when I finally learned it was all a lie.

TheOtherCapnS - 2014-03-09

zest, the fact that you got the hover car kit and built it makes you the coolest kid that nine year old me can possibly imagine.

infinite zest - 2014-03-09

I was reading somewhere about this new magnet-powered speed train in Japan, which except for starting out, levitates off the ground and is pulled floating down the track. If anyone's gonna come up with the hoverboard, it'll probably be Japan.

I never understood how FoD got to be so big. I remember back in 2006 a friend of mine was working on this show about two meth heads (kind of like every sitcom trope imaginable, just with meth) for FoD and it was nothing. I'd search around and find other stuff once in a while, but most of it was mildly funny at best so then stopped paying attention around 2009. Now it's just huge. I mean, good for them and their success, but I can't quite wrap my tiny little brain around how they got so big. Even the celebrities who I do think can be generally funny, like Will Ferrell, Zach Galafanakis, etc. are rarely funny (except for a couple of Between Two Ferns sketches.)

EvilHomer - 2014-03-10

"I never understood how FoD got to be so big."

Capital. They have a lot of industry connections, so they were able to become the de facto avenue for old media looking to explore the new.

They're like the Donald Trump of online media sites. They may be incompetent, but when you start with lots of money, competence doesn't matter.

Oscar Wildcat - 2014-03-09

Evgeny Podkletnov.

ashtar. - 2014-03-09

Ugh. Five for evil, I guess.
Celebrity culture, half-assed 80's nostalgia, fake viral lolwetrollu marketing, scientific illiteracy. This is the epitome of the current cultural moment of stupid bullshit.

infinite zest - 2014-03-09

There's a bunch of apology videos circulating the internet, from Tony Hawk, Christopher Lloyd, and I'm assuming others. It's one thing to play a joke on people, and for the most part it's probably the 30-somethings like myself who are more pissed it's fake then little kids, but at some point I'd check my moral compass if I was participating in this as a celebrity. If some random stranger or friend I kind of knew told me that he had a hoverboard, but it's secret so I have to meet him out in the middle of the woods.. oh and you can't wear pants because the foot censor thing only works if you're naked from the waist down, I'd probably be like "naw.. he's probably going to take pictures of me or worse." But this was so much more convincing, from people who could not continue stressing the fact that it was real.

I totally forgot to watch it tonight, but it's like if the Seth MacFarlane co-presents Cosmos.. on FOX thing turned out to just be "and now an hour of Family Guy." I'd be like "oh.. haha you got me, good one Seth.. I was kinda looking forward to this, but you sure fooled us" and then proceed to hate that guy more than I already do. Luckily, I can't hate Moby more than I already do, so he gets a pass.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-03-09

Stop toying with our dreams.

Oscar Wildcat - 2014-03-10

so stop dreaming about our toys then.

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