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Desc:'The saddest part of the movie is he only gets one bite of the sandwich.'
Category:Classic Movies
Tags:gary busey, truth, point break, meatball sandwich
Submitted:infinite zest
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Comment count is 10
takewithfood - 2014-03-11


infinite zest - 2014-03-11

Yeah, if you watch the whole thing (and who wouldn't want to know the significance of a meatball sandwich) he mentions how he's Australian, and how the accents at the end of PB are really phony, like Americans trying to sound British.

Most of my family lives in Australia, and in general they have more of that Ali-G South London-sounding accent than Crocodile Dundee, Crocodile Hunter, and Wolverine IRL. It's also a regional and cultural thing, of course. My grandparents lived in LaCrosse Wisconsin and had a full on "dontcha knooow" accent, but when I was in school at Madison, I rarely heard it.

takewithfood - 2014-03-11

Well, stars for me learning something!

Riskbreaker - 2014-03-11

"i'm hungry level" and the "magic of gary busey" stars for that.

Cube - 2014-03-11

What sort of an Ali G is this supposed to be?

infinite zest - 2014-03-11

Two-yakasha! Speaking of which, has anyone seen the new Ali G show? I loved the old one when I was younger, but I wonder if it stands the test of time.. just curious if I should check it out, from discerning critics whose opinions I trust.

TheOtherCapnS - 2014-03-12

From what I've read it isn't actually new, except for the intros. It's just rebranded and includes episodes never aired in the US.

Old_Zircon - 2014-03-11

"Truth" tag please.

infinite zest - 2014-03-12


Jet Bin Fever - 2014-03-12

The line "I'm so hungry I could eat the ass end out of a dead rhino" is one of the most memorable lines of the film. I think Gary Busey got to say about 90% of them.

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