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Comment count is 14
Hooker - 2014-03-09

I have an on-again off-again relationship with pro wrestling. It's been on-again for some time now; I've watched every, if not very-nearly every episode of WWE RAW since late 2009 now, with a friend of mine who shares a similarly cynical and lukewarm enthusiasm for pro wrestling. It warmed my heart that Conan immediately picked up on Michael Cole's abysmal commentating and how insanely effeminate and weird it looks when wrestlers wear t-shirts and no pants.

Cena_mark - 2014-03-09

They're wearing trunks. That's perfectly fine. Also Michael Cole despite being a heel is one of the best announcers. They wouldn't have him as lead commentator if he wasn't the best.

CornOnTheCabre - 2014-03-10

Sadly, Cole is probably the best commentator on WWE television at this point. WWE are evil schmucks for only keeping William Regal on NXT.

EvilHomer - 2014-03-09

So how is this one? I might have asked already, but is 2k14 worth picking up? Biggest question for me is whether they arbitrarily lock female wrestlers out of exhibition match types and/or prevent them from being used in whatever the current Story Mode is. I haven't been able to get into any of these Yukes/2K wrestling games since the Attitude Era ended and the designers decided to relegate divas to second-class citizenship. If I can't make Rainbow Dash the WWE World Champion and beat John Cena's face in with my high-risk signature Sonic PAINboom, then I ain't interested.

oddeye - 2014-03-09

No, it's ass.

Cena_mark - 2014-03-09

You can have RD win the Divas Championship.

EvilHomer - 2014-03-09

Oh yeah like I'm really going to put RD in the Negro Leagues. For corn's sake, Chyna won the Intercontinental Championship almost 15 years ago, and now they won't even let divas do cage matches in a goddamn videogame!

Cena_mark - 2014-03-09

They can do cage matches and all of the gimmick matches. They just can't be in matches with guys. So no Rainbow Dash vs Big Mac.

EvilHomer - 2014-03-09

Can they do gimmick matches in 2k14? Last one I played, they could only do basic pinfall matches. If they can do gimmick matches, that'd be a start, but still not enough to get me to buy the game.

Still, if they can do Inferno matches, it might be neat to see Applejack in an Inferno match with a Chimera. Just so long as she remembers her fireproof boots!

sosage - 2014-03-09

Can I play as Macho King? ...cause most of my wrestling game purchases hinge off of the answer to this question.

Cena_mark - 2014-03-10

OOOOH YEAH you can. You just have to unlock him.

Applejack would also be great in hardcore matches. She proved herself quite handy with a chair in the latest episode.

EvilHomer - 2014-03-10

Yeah, that's another thing. How are the hardcore matches? Can you make the dudes bleed or fight backstage or whatever? In the old days, these games tended to alternate between dull hardcore gameplay and awesome hardcore gameplay.

Cena_mark - 2014-03-10

Its nothing really special. You can't go back stage, there's just weapons like tables, ladders, bat, kendo stick, the usual.

Caminante Nocturno - 2014-03-09

That was a very flattering video game depiction of Conan.

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