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Shanghai Tippytap - 2014-03-28

man, I loved this show, and not just because of caitlin and spike.

sad fun fact, and spoiler alert I guess; People who follow the show know that the character Wheels went through a lot of serious shit. He got molested, his parents died, he hit the bottle pretty hard, and I think he got a girl pregnant. The actor himself was found dead a few years after the 2003 reunion show in a shitty rooming house in Hamilton, the Steeltown across the lake from good ol' Toronto. Dude died of a heart attack brought about by diabetes and alcoholism. :(

Koda Maja - 2014-03-28

Don't forget the part where Wheels kills a young girl while drunk driving and goes to prison.

Jimmy Labatt - 2014-03-28

Funny story: I decided to go back to school in Toronto for corporate communications and the building I took my classes in was the one where this show was shot. Man, I recognized so much stuff. The first day I remarked to a classmate: "Hey that's the washroom where that goth weiner shot himself on Degrassi!" Of course, having only been a toddler during the scene in question she just kind of stared at me blankly.

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