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The Mothership - 2014-04-01

remember when being a barista was something you did for a season before starting grad school, and people didn't take coffee so seriously?

this critical video is far more about being a commentary on society and how the coffee shop has always been a melting pot where students, the homeless, regular working people and assholes all congregate. it is not about baristas at all.

oddeye - 2014-04-01

Fuck this and fuck coffee houses. Also fuck the people who work there, buy coffee there and promote the whole stupid as shit "culture" surrounding drinking some water with added chemicals.

Raggamuffin - 2014-04-01

I'm not going to argue one way or the other. I'm just curious to know what redeeming feature of the video earned it that second star?

infinite zest - 2014-04-01

I don't have a problem with coffee houses, but I used to work at two small ones in Madison when I was in school. The first was pretty awesome. Most of our clientele ordered coffee black, probably hung over, I could've told them it was Folgers and they wouldn't give a shit. We also had a tattoo parlor that wasn't licensed by the State, one of the many reasons why we got shut down (and the reason why I have a tattoo gun of my own).

The second was on the main university drag, LITERALLY next door to a Starbucks with a Peet's half a block away. Actually there were two Starbucks on the same block, the other one being almost across the street.. but anyway people came to us because we played "good" music (this was before Starbucks started playing "indie" rock and Peet's.. well it's Peets) and we had free wi-fi in the early days of wi-fi, not that shit where you still have to sign an agreement. We got coffee snobs on tall bikes whose friends would literally hand them the cup on the way out so they could bike up and down the fucking street sipping a tiny cup of espresso, and nothing was a simple order.

The other cafe I worked at involved a man who loitered from open to close who eventually we had to kick out.. picture the Fedsmoker guy and you get the picture.. next day comes back with a gun and empties a clip through the window. Luckily nobody was seriously hurt.

I rarely go to coffee shops at all anymore, even though I'm surrounded on all sides by them. They used to be fun before everyone had laptops or iphones.. they've since become some of the most antisocial places on the planet, like caffeinated libraries.

oddeye - 2014-04-01

The second star was because I didn't want to hurt infinite zest's feelings, he/she/etc. is one of the good ones. Sorry I had to do that bro; that was a pretty cool story (mostly cause something coffee related got shot up).

TheOtherCapnS - 2014-04-01

Steve Kardynal!

StanleyPain - 2014-04-01

Inaccurate, as it assumes the dipshits who bring in their whole desktop rig to use the wi-fi would even actually pay for anything.

Nominal - 2014-04-02

I love to bash hipsters, but this was pretty bad. Someone looked at the "Shit _____ say" fad and decided it needed more random shit.

RedHood - 2014-04-02

I sorta skimmmed through this but I understand @0:25s. I have a few twats on Facebook who have done this weekly for the past year or so. Their names are not really different, just shit like Jansen.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-04-03

Just a lazy, boring premise with lazy, boring jokes.

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