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Comment count is 15
Jet Bin Fever - 2014-04-10

I wasn't expecting Mr. Blue Shirt to come back in there. That was brilliant. How much did this damned thing cost to attend, do you guys think? It plays out like something from the Office.

Jimmy Labatt - 2014-04-10

Think I read somewhere it's about ,400? You honestly couldn't pay ME that to attend.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-04-10

Dear lord.

oddeye - 2014-04-10

But that's only the price of 3 meals!

Nominal - 2014-04-10

I recently mentioned this here, but FUCK companies that spend money on this shit then announce lay offs to cut back, or managers trying to tell you there's no money for raises.

oddeye - 2014-04-10

What if stuff like this helped to reduce the number of layoffs needed by mitigating losses with sound advice? Ever think of that completely impossible yet often spouted scenario? Well did ya?

Kabbage - 2014-04-10

This had a strong Manditory Company Retreat vibe to it.

The rap was exactly what you feared he was about to do when he was donning that hat during the ambitious Everyone Take A Photo You Will Immediately Delete segment.

The New Meat - 2014-04-10

Gonna use "the gram," huh?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-04-10

That cinches it! The terrorists were right. See ya in hell, infidels, I'm signing up with Al Queda!


Jet Bin Fever - 2014-04-10

The drones are on their way.

oddeye - 2014-04-10

Would they accept a turn-coat American as one of their own or would they "accept" them as an easy way to get a man on the inside. Probably the inside of a 7-11* but still...

*See what I did there? I am shit.

Gypsy_Dildo_Factory - 2014-04-11

Too bad: I think she has a pretty voice and that she is pretty but now however If he'd known before that this shit was going to happen in my area an imaginary pink elephant would've got the exits and hallwayfloors around the place flooded in gasoline and tossed a match, the strike anywhere variety, listening with a stainless steel grin to Ring of Fire, or "Fire" (by Arthur Brown oneof these songs depending on its appropriateness in relation to the building layout)-- listening off of a reel tape (1/4")) for moral credit and I didnot anticipate Faceboook but I sort of knew what was it woould be like in 2014 . figured out 15 years ago how to convert a MicroWave oven into a portable --CANCEL COMMUNICATION SECURITY RISK DETECTED phonebashing.com, phonelosers of america, Also Alleigance OR DEATH, save the drones for when we really need them for their maximum effective counterattack, also A couple thousand V-1's are perfectly alright and worth the price, relattively,,, I have diagrams and ones for superior pulse/pressure jets like the valveless gluhareff 200-lb thrust engine....is this scaring the FBI? Don'tmean to but unemployed engineers guzzle vodka shortly after waking up I know I do and shoot their mouths off just trying to be funny instead of being agonized at watching technology, so much education,, man-hours and things all going into shiny annoying dispposable consumer trash no one needs, and wafare, more than outer space and hadron colliders... Ican btw fit the microwave gun into a regular duffel bag,, battery power will take out any Best Buy's entire merchandise. And I would steal all the fire exxit signs frrom the place if they were the Tritium zKind because a find it delightfully delicious and a lovely light source and good for a thermonuke.....I have to tell myself to shut up again and again and again...I like the USA

ashtar. - 2014-04-11

I will buy you more of whatever you're on.

The Mothership - 2014-04-10

A conference held on the weekend? That's fucking savage.

ashtar. - 2014-04-10

Yay socialism!

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