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Comment count is 8
ashtar. - 2014-04-13

I think I actually learned a lot from watching Puck on this show as a young man. Mostly that there are some people that are just useless narcissistic assholes and any effort you expend in their direction is a waste, despite how reasonable and superficially charming they can seem.
Also that these people are absolutely essential for reality TV ratings.

infinite zest - 2014-04-13

I never really watched Real World or any of these.. so before Puck was it just really standard "ooh joey likes kelly but jesse saw him first" type drama?

ashtar. - 2014-04-13

They mostly picked actual normal and likeable people at first. They soon realized and corrected their mistake, and reality TV was born.

Azmo23 - 2014-04-13

that guy david, a standup comedian, was also kicked out of real world
during some play fighting incident he pulled some girl's blanket off of her while she was in bed revealing her sexy bra and panties
the other girls then accused him of rape and said they didnt feel safe living with an angry black rapist man in the house and he was gone
im pretty sure he played a bit part in half baked after this

Azmo23 - 2014-04-13

this is that video but it is unwatchable due to some weird audio clicking
it wasn't not funny

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-04-14

Some people never leave high school, or maybe its that high school never leaves some people.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-04-13

This whole thing would be solved if they had to fuck each other as a penalty.

Bort - 2014-04-13

doo-dah, doo-dah

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