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Comment count is 5
Shoebox Joe - 2014-04-12

I was kind of with this until it said "stealing the personalities of children". I get the feeling that they're trying to be metaphorical, but it's the stupidest way to even present it or even sum it up. I wish these statements were never made because it just ends up in a ouroboros loop with "the horrors and difficulties of dealing with autism". Are people really this blatantly clumsy with disabilities that it becomes nothing more than a black/white situation?

It's almost as if they have autism, but they just slipped through the cracks.

Hailey2006 - 2014-04-12

Mostly it's parents who don't know how to deal with their Autistic kids, because they aren't "normal" and when they aren't "normal", that's "not good"!

exy - 2014-04-12

I was kind of assuming this video was a few years old. But then again, Australia. When's it from?

kamlem - 2014-04-12

That first dazzling Australian TV personality is Steve Bisley, who you may remember from Mad Max.

kamlem - 2014-04-12

If you want to see the masterwork of most of the actors here, someone has helpfully uploaded the 3 seasons of the 90s satire "Frontline" to youtube. This show eviscerated commercial current affairs shows of the era. It probably still does, I just haven't watched commercial TV for a loooong time.


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