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Comment count is 13
EvilHomer - 2014-04-13


SolRo - 2014-04-13


oddeye - 2014-04-13

This movie looks a hell of a lot similar to Akira, definitely some influence there.

infinite zest - 2014-04-13

This blue cat looks a hell of a lot similar to Garfield too.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-04-13

so adorable!

infinite zest - 2014-04-13

Hold the phone, Jackson! This was NOT professionally made? Some animation studio, hire this person!

Caminante Nocturno - 2014-04-13

It's a crying shame that Doraemon never made it to the United States.

infinite zest - 2014-04-13

Weird. I could've sworn that it was on really early in the morning when I was a kid in the US. I went to Japan as an exchange student when I was 13 so I got used to seeing him everywhere, but when I got back I thought I remembered him at around 5AM.

Wikipedia says that "due to unknown circumstances leading to the series to not air on the network as planned, the license was eventually dropped." I wonder what those circumstances were. Garfield's increasing popularity maybe?

I've got what I consider a pretty legit DVD box set of Doraemon's early cartoons. I got it off a site that also did Studio Ghibli/Evangelion etc.. I know that nudity's different for childrens' shows (Nobi's nude at various times) but there's also a lot of "shits" and "fucks" in the subtitles. Judging by their other DVDs and my basic knowledge of Japanese, I don't think the swearing's some kind of joke like the GI Joe PSAs. Was the kids' show really meant to be so vulgar?

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-04-14

I've seen it in a lot of kid's shows where the subtitles dirty it up a lot more than it was originally. For example, I've noticed that they often translate "mukatsuku" to "fuck," but it is more like "jerk."

Doraemon is a really good kids show. It's a lot less psychologically damaging than Anpanman, too.

infinite zest - 2014-04-14

Yeah. You can't eat Doraemon's head.. well I guess you could, but you wouldn't WANT to eat Doraemon's head, and if you tried, Doraemon wouldn't LET you eat a part of his head. :(

infinite zest - 2014-04-14

I figured it was something lost in translation, like how "Army of Darkness" became "Mr Supermarket." When I was in Japan I saw a KFC and it actually said "King Fuck Chicken" on the marquee. I didn't watch much TV when I was there but if I did, it'd be things like Doraemon which I couldn't find in the states. I wonder if shows like Sesame Street had words that would be equally vulgar when translated for Japanese audiences.

Caminante Nocturno - 2014-04-14

If you waited until Doraemon was asleep, you could probably get away with eating any part of his head you wanted.

It's worked in the past.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-04-14

I love how Shizuka-chan and Nobita-kun just stare wide-mouthed in horror, unable to stop what Doraemon has become.

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