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Desc:Insane Brazilians draft truck going downhill on freeway that happens to be COLOMBIA.
Category:Stunts, Sports
Tags:bikes, Also his balls are huge, cyclist, drafting, brazilians in COLOMBIA
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Comment count is 15
oddeye - 2014-04-13

Why the drifting tag? They don't even turn a corner as far as I can tell by randomly jumping around the video.

Lef - 2014-04-13

drafting.. please change to drafting.

baleen - 2014-04-13

So much concern over a stupid typo.

infinite zest - 2014-04-13

Si. Debe decir "cojones" por favor

Adham Nu'man - 2014-04-14

It's Colombia, not Columbia, and people from Colombia are called Colombians, not Columbians.

That said, these people are not Colombians at all, they are Brazilians and are speaking Portuguese, so the "tambi�n sus bolas son enormes" is also wrong.

So it's not just a stupid typo, you fucked up everything.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-04-14

Everyone with half a brain knows that COLOMBIA is the country, Columbia is the district. Nothing pisses off my girlfriend more than people getting it wrong.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-04-14

and yeah, I just saw the clip and Adham is right. Sorry baleen.

baleen - 2014-04-14


Adham Nu'man - 2014-04-14

Ok, now you can have your fifth star that I was holding back: *

The Mothership - 2014-04-13

Fastest I've gone on my road bike is about 51mph, and that's pretty fucking scary.

pyslexic dharmacist - 2014-04-13

That's a very smooth, rock/roadkill-free freeway.

fedex - 2014-04-13

no shit

infinite zest - 2014-04-13

Not that a helmet would do much going that fast, but FOR GOODNESS SAKE, guy on the right, wear a fucking helmet! Not wearing one doesn't make you any cooler than the guy on the left.

This scared the living shit out of me.

The Mothership - 2014-04-14

cool kids wear lids.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-04-14

great way to kill oneself and others.

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