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Comment count is 17
Old_Zircon - 2014-04-18

I watched Zoolander again last week, and can confirm that this is true.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-04-18

Now that this has been accepted, can anyone explain to me what the hell "Hosts" are? Are they like parasites that ride inside the reptiles or what?

infinite zest - 2014-04-18

http://evelorgen.com/wp/articles/military-abduction-milabs-and-rep tilians/reptilian-hosts/

that should explain it, but just send me the cliffs notes version. I ain't reading it.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-04-18

Oh man. There are too many quotable bits.

"The Host will be seen taking unusually good care of his body in contrast to phases one and two. The Host will take vitamins, exercise and drink spring water and spout vegetarianism and wholistic health while sucking the energy from others around him. The host will discuss the benefits of monatomic gold�which allows them to shapeshift easier�but that�s another discussion."

Yes. That's another discussion.

infinite zest - 2014-04-18

Heh. Maybe I should read it, or at least put it into my text-to-speech program.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-04-19

I'm guessing these cranks invent their own periodic table so things like actual science don't get in the way of their claims.

These guys and the nuts who claim that "elemental iron" is iron that's different from iron would have a lot to talk about.

Riskbreaker - 2014-04-18

I believe it, everyone except Billy Zane of course.

infinite zest - 2014-04-18

Is Zoolander any good? I've heard really mixed things.. mostly people whose company I don't really care for who quote the Hangover, Anchorman and Zoolander religiously love it. I liked Tropic Thunder, but that was mostly for Robert Downey Jr's and Tom Cruise's performances.

I loved the Ben Stiller Show too, and still believe it's stood the test of time like Mr. Show, so of course there's the "sellout Meet the Fuckers" Stiller and the "I'm going to do something that I want to do with this money from those cash-cows."

Anyway, it's been sitting in my DVD rack for years, and I have no idea where it came from.

Riskbreaker - 2014-04-18

It's fun, it certainly kickstarted all those shitty movies, and mind you, not all the jokes work, but the ones that do work are highly quotable. Go watch it with some beers.

sasazuka - 2014-04-18

I'm surprised he didn't single out Owen Wilson's weird nose as proof he's not a human.

(N.B. Owen Wilson smashed up his nose playing football, that's why it's like that.)

sasazuka - 2014-04-18

I enjoyed it. It certainly was a fun movie to watch to forget about 9/11 for an hour-and-a-half (released the week after, IIRC).

infinite zest - 2014-04-19

Wow. I forgot it's been that long. My older brother had just moved to Greenwich Village maybe a week before, and actually had a job interview at a place really close to ground zero that day. My family spent at least a good week not hearing anything. It's comforting that a movie like Zoolander provided escapism in a time when we really needed it.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-04-19

I think you have to be able to tolerate Ben Stiller, which I often find difficult to do.

Riskbreaker - 2014-04-18

BTW, i think i saw here in poetv some video about a "secret conference" where a bunch of "experts" were discussing about doens of alien species that live among us. It was all shot in a quite convincing way. My search on the internet didn't bring much results. Anyone cares to give some context to that one?

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-04-18

you mean this one?

I'd like to know too.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-04-18

oh, O_Z pointed out the full length in the comments.

bongoprophet - 2014-04-19

At a certain level of conspiracy theorizing you really must fail to grasp basic causality

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