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Comment count is 9
Nominal - 2014-04-20

I'm waiting for the day when Christianity tries to co-op furries.

garcet71283 - 2014-04-20

NBC beat them to it. Its called Grimm. Seriously watch it, sometimes it is thinly veiled furry apolagetics

oddeye - 2014-04-20

Wow, that sword fight...

Maggot Brain - 2014-04-20

The worst thing is that this can pass for pbs miniseries.

BiggerJ - 2014-04-21

That's what happens when they're forsaken by Viewers Like You.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-04-21

Sometimes I forget how aberrant and horrible furries are. Then I watch something like this and it all comes flooding back. Did they include furries in the new version of the DSM?

TeenerTot - 2014-04-21

So which guy has the talking penis?

BlisteredButtress - 2014-04-21


Same IMDB score as White Chicks

oddeye - 2014-04-22

Maybe they are both about dressing up as creatures of another species!!! Not really.

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