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Comment count is 4
jangbones - 2014-05-04

first 60 seconds, five stars

infinite zest - 2014-05-04

Yay! There used to be this place across from my house and it'd be the same thing except it was a coffee shop which was also a motorcycle repair shop. The guy hated you: I worked down the street and would actually go 5 blocks up the street to get coffee because if I told him I was in a hurry so I could get to work, well that was the end. He made really awesome sandwiches and breakfast food too but half the stuff on the menu was either not available or never existed.

The best was when some girl came in and asked "do you grind your own beans?" and he was like "why would I do that? Why would you ask me such a stupid fucking question." We became friends after that and he opened up about how his marriage was falling apart, and I told him mine was too and I turned out working for him for a bit until one day it was just gone. He disappeared. I asked everyone and nobody knew.

Gmork - 2014-05-04

Sounds like a shithead.

Hooker - 2014-05-04

I am 100% sure this is on here, but I can't for the life of me find it.

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