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Comment count is 10
Boomer The Dog - 2014-05-13

This is great, it's the whole basis of the jam record by Negativland called U2, mixed with U2's Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For.

I heard that sometime in the early 1990s and it cracked me up. A friend had one of the recalled cassettes you weren't supposed to be able to get after it was banned.

Thanks for Casey Kasem week, a long distance dedication like this is better than if it was a memorial.


oddeye - 2014-05-13

He better not be found dead after I laughed at this, cause I hate laughing about something only to find out it's about a dead dog or some shit. People always fucking do that to me.

oddeye - 2014-05-13

Also, you want to make it Casey Kasem Week but don't have that as a tag or even Casey Kasem or radio as tags...

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-05-13

He took that dog's death pretty hard.

infinite zest - 2014-05-13

(insert scooby doo joke here)

duck&cover - 2014-05-13

Death is fucking ponderous, man.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-05-13

And remember to keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the fucking stars,

il fiore bel - 2014-05-14

This is also a dupe I think, oops. Oh well, seems to have been deleted.

EvilHomer - 2014-05-14

Yes, it is a dupe, but it was one of the best videos here so stars anyway.

fluffy - 2014-05-14

Hearing Casey Casem swearing is rather disconcerting.

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