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Comment count is 27
Xenocide - 2014-05-14

I don't like this Up sequel.

CuteLucca - 2014-05-14

They fill them with helium?

il fiore bel - 2014-05-14

Everything was done right... except for amateurs who insist on doing this kind of thing on a windy day.

infinite zest - 2014-05-14

I haven't been to Albany but if it's anything like Connecticut or basically anywhere east of the Mississippi, the wind on warm days just comes in these huge gusts and is nearly impossible to predict. I was at my brother's graduation and one of the canopies blew away, nearly hitting George w bush and Hillary Clinton. So in a way, they're nature's shoe.

Caminante Nocturno - 2014-05-14

For one brief moment, that bouncy house knew true freedom, and all it cost it was a lifetime of bouncy guilt.

chumbucket - 2014-05-14

"Everything that could've been done wrong, wasn't." How does her brain even make that sentence?

Bort - 2014-05-14

That is the exact point where genius and idiocy meet.

exy - 2014-05-14

∀x(Dx→�Wx) ⇒ ∀x(Wx→�Dx)

This is just horrible. A windy day, they mentioned?

infinite zest - 2014-05-14

Heh. I commented on sporadic wind before I read this, so I decided to check the Albany weather for that day to see if it was just plain windy. You'll just have to believe me but the ad at the bottom of the page was "tent and bounce rentals"

That guy - 2014-05-15


baleen - 2014-05-14

She had a couple angels watching out for her that day. Those other kids, fuck them.

Riskbreaker - 2014-05-14

Hold my beer, i got this

*pulls out gun*

infinite zest - 2014-05-14

Good point. I'm guessing the parents turned their backs, went to get a beer or something and up it went. If they had guns nothing would have happened except the bounce house descending slowly down to earth.

infinite zest - 2014-05-14

I can't remember the movie but watched it a lot as a kid where the boy gets a lot of balloons and goes up and around the world and the finally get him down by shooting the balloons one by one. The NRA's going to have a field day with this.

Old_Zircon - 2014-05-14

I know I read at least two stories about that as a child, too. I think one of them was Around The World In 80Days, the other might have been a Roald Dahl story or something.

EvilHomer - 2014-05-14

You might be thinking of James and the Giant Peach, but that had birds and not balloons.

memedumpster - 2014-05-14

Learning that bouncy houses can be carried away by wind and aren't weighted down hurts my brain. It's like I just learned that seatbelts actually are break away devices designed to eject you safely through the windshield. It just seems weird that no one thought more about it when the things were invented.

infinite zest - 2014-05-14

Yeah this would happen a lot in the summertime when I was living in the Midwest. One time I saw one going right down a fairly busy street. Never heard of one going up but always wondered what it'd be like. As horrible as it sounds I wonder if the parents were taking video around the time of lift off. Any person who continued to film deserves an instant life sentence, but I am kinda curious. I've only known these to go sideways.

Mister Yuck - 2014-05-14

This might not be funny, but I can't stop laughing.

infinite zest - 2014-05-14

Oh.. The kids are recovering. They'll be laughing as they tell this story some day. When I was about ten my dad and one of my friends were on a Ferris wheel and we were up at the very top and decided it'd be a great idea to switch sides. The weight fluctuation nearly caused my dad to fall out of the gondola. Then we were like "that's fun lets switch again!" My dad was white as a ghost. Now we laugh about it.

Old_Zircon - 2014-05-14

That makes it better but it's not as funny as it should be, since it sounds like two of them were pretty bad off. One landed on a car and the other on pavement, apparently.

Binro the Heretic - 2014-05-14

Holy shit!



Old_Zircon - 2014-05-14

I saw this on the news earlier tonight. This is the second time in the last 3 or 4 years.

Old_Zircon - 2014-05-14

I'm 100% sure I saw a video about a similar event on here but I can't find it now. That time the bounce house wasn't tied down right but it only went maybe 20 feet up. One kid fractured his arm but otherwise everything was OK all things considered. I really wish I could find it, it had some video of the actual liftoff.

Old_Zircon - 2014-05-14

The reports about this one I'm seeing say 50 feet, but that photo looks more like 50 meters.

memedumpster - 2014-05-14

I still don't believe this! If bouncy houses can fly, why aren't there 37456374563487565786347856 videos on YouTube of Russians, teenagers, and juggalos flying around in bouncy houses?

Sanest Man Alive - 2014-05-30

Worst nightmare? More like our favorite childhood "what if"!

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