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Comment count is 11
jreid - 2014-05-20

aka "I almost got thrown out of bible camp because my pranks were too edgy!"

TeenerTot - 2014-05-20

And they all be beezin.

James Woods - 2014-05-20


Bort - 2014-05-20


James Woods - 2014-05-21


memedumpster - 2014-05-20

Alex Jones was right, these FEMA camps are cruel and sadistic beyond Hitler.

Prickly Pete - 2014-05-20

I thought it was legitimately funny. It's in the same vein as one of my fantasies which is to replace wine in an expensive bottle with Franzia and see who at a party can really tell the fucking difference.

memedumpster - 2014-05-20

Country club experience, no one can. It's fun to be told to "get one with the dimple in the bottom" to mean good wine when going to a corner liquor store to stock a party.

Adham Nu'man - 2014-05-21

I'm a smoker so I have pretty poor taste buds and thus I can't spot the difference between fine wine X and fine wine Y but I can EASILY recognize the difference in taste between a shitty wine and half decent wine.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-05-21

I love that you've misspelled "caffeine" in the tag, and now it's linked.

yogarfield - 2015-05-04

I know baristas who decaf people who don't tip. Shit's no joke.

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