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Comment count is 23
Oscar Wildcat - 2014-05-25

Yes, but you KNOW him, amirite?

infinite zest - 2014-05-25

I know Konrad well, and he's the nicest guy in the world you'll ever meet. I'm really sad that this happened.

EvilHomer - 2014-05-25

So Konrad is your Tyler Durden, right?

It happened for the best. You don't need him anymore, Zest. You can control all of it now.

infinite zest - 2014-05-25

could be. I do live like a block away from Chuck Palanicantspellhisname. Konrad's a regular at this thing called Monday Funday and him and a whole bunch of his role player friends have crashed at my place many times.

BorrowedSolution - 2014-05-25

You say this marvelously attired, balls-tripping LARPer came a bit unhinged? Excuse me while I retrieve my monocle! HARUMPH!

Adham Nu'man - 2014-05-25

InfiniteZest you just have to be full of shit.

Gmork - 2014-05-25

Chuck isn't that well known of an author despite the success of fight club. I wouldnt doubt he can walk around portland with some degree of anonymity.

infinite zest - 2014-05-25

How am I full of shit? I'm sorry but this is pretty sop for where I live. Especially when the sun comes out for a week and goes away again for the year.

infinite zest - 2014-05-25

I served as subscriber services for Gus van chuck p as both were clients of mine back at the opera, and then ran into them both at a strip club because I wanted tacos (not the fish kinds but they share restrooms) and I was like "hey guys." The house mentioned in fight club is 5 blocks from my house. Konrad was friends with a transgender hip hop artist I was living with. When she attacked me, Konrad helped and might have saved my life looking back. I'm just kind of used to this.

EvilHomer - 2014-05-26

Another thing to consider is that few authors aside from Stephen King and JK Rowling are known by face. I, for one, have no idea what Chuck P looks like; he could be my next door neighbor and I would have no idea.

infinite zest - 2014-05-26

He looks like anybody else. Has a dog that barks at everything. Takes out the trash and composts. If you read his book Fugitives and Refugees it kinda says where he likes to go. Ironically that place is like 3 blocks from where I grew up. After the book came out he told me he was surprised that more people didn't go there because he wrote about it, asking for his autograph. Portland, if nothing else, is a good place to disappear or to be yourself without much fear of "oh are you.." that's a far cry from Los Angeles. I was playing a show in Los Felix and who sits down next to me and orders a glass of red wine? Jeff Goldblum. Just sits down and says "hey." I'm sitting there in my mind starstruck because how many times does this happen? In my lexicon of favorite actors he's at the top but we talked about the venue. He does shows there all the time, mostly because he likes the relative anonymity of the district. It wasn't until 30 minutes into the conversation that he kind of "introduced" himself to me and I was like "I know Jeff." He stayed for our show but that was the last time I was in Los Angeles.

That's kind of par for the course here. Modest Mouse lives in a house near me (actually right behind the park where Konrad liked to trip, which is usually why he was in my apartment complex afterwards) and they get noise complaints constantly. They're not rockstars they're neighbors. Portland, for all the shit-talk about how we're all vegans and hipsters or whatever, is pretty great in that way, at least for now.. you can be like Konrad and nobody bats an eye until you dose too heavily on L and do something stupid.

EvilHomer - 2014-05-26

Have you ever gone up to Chuck and asked him to punch you as hard as he can? I imagine he gets that a lot.

Also, what happened with that Tom Jones band you were discussing last month? Did you ever get a chance to tell them we were making fun of them?

infinite zest - 2014-05-26

You mean Future Islands? Yes. Have I asked Chuck to punch me in the face though no. He's got big arms. To say that I "know" him would be a lie.. I know him about as well as I knew Ari Shapiro or Matt Groening's family. But he is my neighbor. He told me that he put up a bunch of bamboo so he didn't have to see us and I told him I was stealing that to craft reeds for my bassoon.

EvilHomer - 2014-05-26

Did they like our jokes?

And you should totally start a Portland Fight Club and invite Chuck to join you. I've always wondered what makes his mind tick, and whether he's really the dark, cynical, gonzo fucker he projects in his novels.

I bet he's not.

infinite zest - 2014-05-26

No he's incredibly normal. Portland just used to be more fucked up than weird in the 90s. Much like Philip Roth, it begins with a sentence on a bar napkin, something the teenage me couldn't experience.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-05-29

God I'm glad I don't live in Portland.

memedumpster - 2014-05-25

The crime here is that a warrior arose from amongst the oppressed to strike down the religious institutions of the rich and we left him to fight alone.

Nominal - 2014-05-25

Brutal footage


Nikon - 2014-05-26

He must have thought the car was a rampaging Gorville.

Pillager - 2014-05-26

Fuckin' Slaanesh worshipers...

Old_Zircon - 2014-05-26

Moon sugar.

The Mothership - 2015-10-13


casualcollapse - 2022-07-07

https://www.vocativ.com/underworld/crime/exclusive-interview-elf-d ropped-acid-jousted-car/index.html

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