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Comment count is 13
exy - 2014-06-02

sure, why not

STABFACE - 2014-06-02

So stupid.

Five stars.

Gmork - 2014-06-02

0:50 gets the stars

infinite zest - 2014-06-02

There's exactly 12 words in this song.

infinite zest - 2014-06-02

not a record though.. Yello's Oh Yeah only has nine! :)

The Mothership - 2014-06-02

This could have been done better, but still; what a great idea.

The Mothership - 2014-06-02

I've watched this about 5 times today, and it keeps getting better.

The Mothership - 2014-06-02

10. It's not getting old.

oddeye - 2014-06-02

Riker hump-riding that chair, fucking hell!

BorrowedSolution - 2014-06-02

I tried, guys, I really did. No go.

Old_Zircon - 2014-06-02

:47-:57 are what make this.

chumbucket - 2014-06-03

1:03 Uhura is leaving the bridge, peace out.

Chocolate Jesus - 2014-06-03

More is less.

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