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Comment count is 19
Meerkat - 2014-06-05

I suppose this is a "prank".

Adham Nu'man - 2014-06-05

I love this man's videos.

The lonely old man with the french fries alone is worth 5 stars.

Bort - 2014-06-05

American Gordon Pinsent.

Scrimmjob - 2014-06-05

You would think this would get old at some point.

Adham Nu'man - 2014-06-05

I just know that the day I play one of his new videos and feel bored and jaded to it I'll feel a little older and more miserable inside.

Hopefully he'll get shot before that happens.

Azmo23 - 2014-06-06

if you were litigious you could imitate this guy with an intent to sue people for assault damages, like those angry preachers do

ashtar. - 2014-06-05

google glass

infinite zest - 2014-06-05

viva seattle

ashtar. - 2014-06-05

that lady seems cool

you'd think the chinese would be used to this sort of thing

William Topaz McGonagall - 2014-06-05

Why is he still walking around with a camera now that he has that million per year job lined up?

yogarfield - 2014-06-05

So Maru, which one were you? The bluetooth guy?

Maru - 2014-06-06

he's harassing poor people.

poopy - 2014-06-06

so what

yogarfield - 2014-06-06

Oh, so you were the strung-out girl? I need some money, like a millie.

Maru - 2014-06-06

so what? so i rated the video like a normal person and didn't rain on anyone's parade until you guys decided to call me out on it. that's what.

yogarfield - 2014-06-06


James Woods - 2014-06-06

His best work yet.

Accidie - 2014-06-09

This was beautiful. It had it all- drama, action, comedy, horror...

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-06-10

Old man french fry made this beautifully poignant. It was a nice break from all the broken people.

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