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Comment count is 59
Caminante Nocturno - 2014-06-06


I'm really digging how they're trying to stay faithful to the manga's character design. I hope that transfers well into the actual show itself.

il fiore bel - 2014-06-06

The story supposedly is going to be a lot closer to the manga than the 90s anime was.

I don't care much for the spaghetti limbs, but everything else seems okay so far.

Cena_mark - 2014-06-06

BLARGH! Why does this insipid rubbish need a reboot? Why do people care about this so much?

Albuquerque Halsey - 2014-06-06

hahahahah waaaaw cena is that sarcasm?

Cena_mark - 2014-06-06

No sarcasm here. This show was awful,annoying, and repetitive. I can't believe it has this much support. 5 for evil

il fiore bel - 2014-06-06

Nostalgia Critic? Is that you?

Cena_mark - 2014-06-06

How am I wrong. I watched a few. Every time it was a new monster, Sailor Moon would fight it, struggle, get reassured by Tuxedo Mask, then win. It was terrible.

takewithfood - 2014-06-06

So, are we starting a pool on how long until Cena is a huge Moonie?

il fiore bel - 2014-06-06

"I watched a few"

Oh well, thank goodness one achieves judge, jury, and executioner status after only a few episodes. Now tell me of any other shows for which you became the ultimate authority by fulfilling the same requirements.

EvilHomer - 2014-06-06

So who's your favorite Senshi, Cena? Mine is Moon.

Cena_mark - 2014-06-06

Still Horrible, I'm sorry, I forgot one had to watch every episode and read every manga before they could have an opinion. I gave the show a chance and it sucked. This new show will likely suck. .Homer, I don't have a favorite Senshi. I dunno, which one is most like Applejack? Jupiter I guess, cause she kicks really hard.

EvilHomer - 2014-06-06

So you know which Sailor Scout is most like AJ off the top of your head.

il fiore bel - 2014-06-06

Oh, you're allowed to have an opinion regardless of how few or how many episodes you've seen.

Your opinion is just wrong, that's all :D

Sanest Man Alive - 2014-06-06

Jupiter's a good choice; she has the most talent of all of the senshi.

I hope this isn't actually supposed to be the new theme song, though. It's so grating yet forgettable all at once.

Cena_mark - 2014-06-06

I said I watched few episodes. I was young, I must not have wanted to watch whatever was on Nickelodeon at the time. I saw the episode where she was introduced. She kicked a bunch of people. That's all I know.

EvilHomer - 2014-06-06

All you know. Right.

You also know about Tuxedo Mask and how he has to save Sailor Moon all the time.

Cena_mark - 2014-06-06

Well I said I watched "a few" episodes. Part of it was the weirdness of anime. It had a strange appeal. Remember Toonami was brand new and this was on its original line up. I would flip around, but usually the lame girliness of the show would make me turn it off.
I also remember an episode where they were on vacation and Jupiter thought she was going soft and the was being a lot like Jessie when she was hooked on caffeine pills. She was training and kicking the bag really hard. She was being a lot like Applejack in Applebuck Season. Also she has a pony tail and cooks really well. But really I never watched much more than a few episodes and the Tuxedo Mask thing was part of a formulaic pattern that could easily be picked upon after watching three episodes.
Sure I'll give the new series a chance, but I doubt I'll like it.

MurgatroidMendelbaum - 2014-06-07

Dear Cena Mark,

It's like Power Rangers, but for girls.

memedumpster - 2014-06-07

I have heard some great things about this reboot.

Sailor Moon is a hologram, and eventually Sailor Nibiru shows up and kills everyone.

Caminante Nocturno - 2014-06-07

Come on, put a spoiler alert on that post!

SolRo - 2014-06-07

So how many weeks before cena is a full blown Sailor Stalker?

infinite zest - 2014-06-06

This looks pretty great. I never really gave the show a chance because we had that horrible dub when I was a kid which, if I'm not mistaken, also cut out much of the fighting, ostensibly rendering it an animated Sabrina the Teenage Witch. When I got older I guess I just stopped paying attention.

I'll watch this.

Nikon - 2014-06-06

Personally I'm not really excited for this. I think the original anime series (which is quite long) said all that was needed to be said, and although there were some divergences from the original manga, I think the additions were generally good (Zoicite and Kunzite's relationship, Naru and Nephrite's tragic romance, and even the changes to the Starlights). I even prefer the more constrained character designs of the original anime, and having someone other than Hisakawa Aya playing Sailor Mercury/Ami Mizuno doesn't please me.

Don't get me wrong, if you're into this new version, more power to you and have fun with it. I'm just saying why I want to sit this one out.

Riskbreaker - 2014-06-06

The thing is, since the anime industry right now is almost 100% moe dominated, they have to revive old series so that the 30+something audience can have something to watch now and then.

You should also be glad they didn't remade this as a "moe" oriented show. I think this is the first time in 15 years that we see another anime show where schoolgirls don't look like deformed 6 year old midgets.

memedumpster - 2014-06-06

I had to look up "moe."

By what I can tell by this site...

"Moe" means "profitably and unashamedly marketed to pedophiles."

Nikon - 2014-06-06

I think it's less to do with making a non-moe show and more to do with milking an old brand now that X number of decades have passed.

il fiore bel - 2014-06-06

Aw crap, I meant to copy/paste the entire title but something got mangled in the process. Oh well.

Hailey2006 - 2014-06-06

I'm excited, but since I grew up with the original (or at least the DIC/Cloverway dub), I'm a little nervous!

dairyqueenlatifah - 2014-06-06


All my weeaboo dreams are coming true. I used to dream about the day they'd actually make new Sailor Moon.

Billy the Poet - 2014-06-06


Cena_mark - 2014-06-06

So what should we call the inevitably awful male fandom for this? Sailor Brouts? Broonies?

Xenocide - 2014-06-06

That fandom has existed for about 19 years already . It later grew into the modern American anime fandom, without which PoeTV would be a less amusing place.

But then it went too far, and now there's moe everywhere. Only Space Dandy can save us now.

Cena_mark - 2014-06-06

I wouldn't mind Me anime's. Imagine a show about Moe, cranky bart under by day, but when trouble strikes Springfield his tavern turns into the mighty Moe-Tron. Or how about the Lone Stooge. After a falling out with Larry and Curley More goes to highschool. Romance and drama await.

Caminante Nocturno - 2014-06-06

Me anime's!

Cena_mark - 2014-06-06

I meant More. Damn phone.

il fiore bel - 2014-06-06

I remember a handful of young men in an RP I used to participate in as a teenager. They just called themselves fans, no special names, no need for justification because lol teen T&A

EvilHomer - 2014-06-06

I've never heard of anyone giving themselves a special subculture name on account of Sailor Moon. Otakus, anime fans, eggs, weeaboos maybe, but nothing like Broonies or Brouts.

Sanest Man Alive - 2014-06-06

Cena, labeling like that only becomes an issue when sad thirtysomethings desperately pretend they found a sense of camaraderie in whacking off to Skittle-colored horsebutts.

memedumpster - 2014-06-06

Sailor Louts.

giygusattack - 2014-06-07

Sailor Scrotes

boner - 2014-06-06

I thought Japan just outlawed this.

Rosebeekee - 2014-06-06


Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2014-06-06

Maybe you guys would feel more at home at 4chan.

Cena_mark - 2014-06-06

Damn right. We don't want any degenerate Sailor Brouts sound here.

Caminante Nocturno - 2014-06-06


EvilHomer - 2014-06-06

月に代わっておし&# 12362;きよ!!!

Cena_mark - 2014-06-06

How can one punish me on behalf of the moon? I doubt the moon cares about my thoughts.

EvilHomer - 2014-06-07

...and you can even read that!!! Cena_Moon.

Cena_mark - 2014-06-07

I used Google Translate.

il fiore bel - 2014-06-07



What will Cena Moon transform into? A nurse aide? A cell expert? A magical wand that fights crime by shooting lasers and producing dinner meals of love and justice?

Lef - 2014-06-06

I helped vote this out of the hopper so I could type
Sailor Uranus

BiggerJ - 2014-06-06

Also, Viz Media is releasing a complete redub of the original series, including Sailor Stars, the original character names, and URANUS AND NEPTUNE NOT BEING COUSINS.

il fiore bel - 2014-06-06

That'll be interesting. I've seen it in Japanese, but it still kind of dragged during season 4. Season 5 is just too weird for me to wrap my head around, but at least there won't be any godawful "Clueless" slang in there.

Nikon - 2014-06-06

I have all the Japanese R2 discs for the 90's anime. It's a much better experience without all the rewriting/dropped episodes/renamed characters/etc. that the dub had.

SolRo - 2014-06-07

I've read that sailor moon was chock full of lesbians, bisexuals and trannies before US censors got their hands on it.

EvilHomer - 2014-06-07

It was indeed, SolRo. Nowadays that's probably not going to be a problem for the censors, and if it does get censored then that's going to cause problems of it's own, so expect to see some SUPER HEATED LGBT CONTROVERSY either way.


Crunchy Frog - 2014-06-07

They cut out the entire fifth (and final) season from the original US release to avoid the Sailor Starlights. Their secret identities had male bodies, and their heroic identities had female bodies. It looks like the new version is going to include the last season, and stay faithful to the original.

Spaceman Africa - 2014-06-07

Hey I'll watch it

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-06-10

My girlfriend will be happy. I could give a damn though.

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