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Comment count is 12
Hooker - 2014-06-15

It is a great foil for how stuffy and boring these are.

I love how spelling in English is so byzantine and unfathomable that there are competitions for particular abilities in it. Do more straightforward languages have spelling bees?

Adham Nu'man - 2014-06-16

Maybe they do now in some parts as a result of American influence (people copy you guys a lot) but at least speaking for my Italian-Hispanic upbringing, the concept of a spelling bee was completely alien to me.

yogarfield - 2014-06-15

My pokemon brings all the boys to the yard
and they're like "You wanna play cards"
and I'm like "Damn right, I wanna play cards
I can beat you, I've got Charizard"

EvilHomer - 2014-06-15

This smells like a work.

Also, how did you spell the word? Did the poor kid get it right?

infinite zest - 2014-06-15

Hey.. look at that.. this finally made it out of the hopper.. it was slightly relevant 2 weeks ago.. anyway..

Evilhomer this kid and another kid died, the first tie in Scripp's recent history. Also the Kelis quote was on the card; the original sentence card was just misplaced. I guess Scripp's hires comedy writers to come up with little jokes for the "can I hear it in a sentence," especially for the lower brackets, so the only question is "what teenager would remember that song?"

EvilHomer - 2014-06-15

That's terrible, how did they die?

infinite zest - 2014-06-15


EvilHomer - 2014-06-15


EvilHomer - 2014-06-15

Oh. Ooooh. OK, that makes sense.

EvilHomer - 2014-06-15

They were tied together and thrown in a river.

infinite zest - 2014-06-15

it was a suicide pact

Adham Nu'man - 2014-06-16

The Great Spelling Bee Tragedy of 2014. NEVER FORGET!

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