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Desc:Scroll down for video. '10 years in jail for falling asleep? Has that ever happened? Wow!'
Category:Classic TV Clips
Tags:fox news, tracy morgan, Tucker Carlson, Wal Mart
Submitted:Prickly Pete
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Comment count is 13
Old_Zircon - 2014-06-10

Given Wal-Mart's track record as far as working conditions, I'd say it's pretty likely that they're more responsible for him falling asleep than he is.

EvilHomer - 2014-06-10

But OZ, Walmart would never DREAM of endangering the life of a famous, wealthy person!

Binro the Heretic - 2014-06-10

Apparently, the Walton family was always evil.

In the 1960s, Sam Walton tried to avoid paying his workers federally-mandated minimum wage by doing some "reorganization" of his store chain to make it look, as far as the law was concerned, like it was exempt from the minimum wage.

It didn't work, though, and Walton was forced by the courts to pay his employees the back-pay he owed them. He issued checks, but threatened to fire anyone who cashed one. He backed down on that later, though.

EvilHomer - 2014-06-10

A bunch of the Waltons are alumni of the school I grew up at. They were pretty low-key; I probably met a couple of them when I was little, but at the time I certainly didn't know who the hell they were. Anyway, a few years ago, one of them came back to attend a fundraising dinner, and my dad got roped into showing him around the school. Apparently, he's still really quite and low-key, but with this darkly menacing aura, like an old school Sicilian Mafia don. Never talks about his business. Never brags. Never shows off who he is. But one look, and fuck, you know that with a word he could destroy everyone and everything you've ever loved.

On the plus side, he donated almost twelve million dollars for scholarship grants! So that was nice of him.

Binro the Heretic - 2014-06-10

Did he donate from his personal wealth or from The Walton Foundation?

Because the Waltons get other rich people to put their own money into the foundation while they use it as a tax dodge.

EvilHomer - 2014-06-10

The Foundation. Of course, one of the main purposes of our school is to churn out future rich people, who will then come back as alumni and put their own money into the school; so really, getting a scholarship from the Walton Foundation rather than the Walton McDuck Vault is just part of the grand circle of life.

There was one thing that was kind of personal and touching: the first scholarship went to a Kenyan student, in honor of Walton's best schoolmate, a poor Kenyan kid who died during their senior year. It's strange to think that one of the Waltons had friends, but there ya go.

Bort - 2014-06-10

This is the most sensible Tucker Carlson has been in, well, forever. And even so, he still needs someone to keep pointing out how wrong he is.

EvilHomer - 2014-06-10

I like how that page is trying to offer me free copies of a book by her arch-Walmartness, Hillary.

Binro the Heretic - 2014-06-10

Tucker sounds worried. I wonder how many time's he's dozed off behind the wheel.

Bort - 2014-06-10

I suspect his empathy lobe unexpectedly switched on for just a minute, and he doesn't know what to do.

infinite zest - 2014-06-10

I feel bad for everyone involved. Truckers have one of the few remaining jobs where if it's not there/done on time, it's an automatic write up or often termination.

Binro the Heretic - 2014-06-10

And they're likely on the verge of an extinction caused by self-driving vehicles.

They should re-make all those old 1970s trucker flicks with self-driving trucks. You know, have some hayseed state trooper chasing after the truck screaming epithets and swearing to catch it, then cut to the interior of the cab to show the various cameras and the wheel turning itself. Then cut back to the trooper as he has to swerve around some road construction, runs over a conveniently-ramp-shaped pile of dirt and ends up upside down on a truck full of manure or something.

And the camera in the driverless truck takes a moment to look over at the cymbal monkey in the passenger seat as it shrieks and clashes the cymbals together a few times.

SolRo - 2014-06-10

It's funny, I look on autoblog out of habit and a story about this followed shortly after a UAW story.

(for anyone that doesn't know, autoblog's comments section is like freep)

the union story basically had people putting out death threats, death wishes and the biggest thing repeated was that unions are no longer needed. Like the corporate world WAS bad waaaay back when, but now it's all good so collective bargaining is outdated.

the truck crash story was a cry-in about how badly truck drivers are treated, truckers complaining about unsustainable working conditions, etc.

and these idiots really cannot link the two things in their brains.

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