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Comment count is 31
Koda Maja - 2014-06-13

"Does that 30" pizza come in a box?"

baleen - 2014-06-13

He "degreases" a pizza for 30 minutes before eating it.

Raggamuffin - 2014-06-13

Was hoping for some detail on the method he used to most efficiently eat the pizza. Looking forward to the future "de-greasing" video.

memedumpster - 2014-06-13

I don't know what to make of that pizza. My white trash DNA is conflicted as to whether that's the most delicious cheese pizza ever, or just flat out gross.

EvilHomer - 2014-06-13

It. looks pretty gross from here.

Father Avalanche - 2014-06-13

I would put a dent in that with you.

cognitivedissonance - 2014-06-13

When Don Quixote eats a pizza, it's the feast of a thousand sallies.

Chocolate Jesus - 2014-06-15

What do you eat when you aren't holed-up in your ivory trailer?

memedumpster - 2014-06-15


Oscar Wildcat - 2014-06-13

That is horrible, and probably breakfast, lunch and dinner for him over those four days. How do humans survive this? This is all he eats, isn't it? How does he not have scurvy?

EvilHomer - 2014-06-13

I just hope he didn't leave it on the floor for those four days.

CIWB - 2014-06-14

Tomato sauce is the only thing that stands between him and the worst case of scurvy seen in the past 200 years.

M-DEEM - 2014-06-13

He sounds fatter at 5:35

Jack Dalton - 2014-06-14

Yeah-- I noticed that too.

exy - 2014-06-14

I was thinking "miserable" or "regretful," but "fatter" works too.

yogarfield - 2014-06-14

The 24" limit is in place to prevent time constipation. Ulili is speaking in his normal voice, but in order to hear it without quantum dilation you'll need to bust up a 30-incher.

oddeye - 2014-06-13

Thanks for making me jump with the close-up of your carpet made of mind-worms, dickhead.

Also, thanks for replying to my emails.

EvilHomer - 2014-06-14

>Pop!< earthulillillia. hunger dream soon is. never eat pizza we. understand tasty, yes? yum yum. buy you, grow fat for flowering.

"But Carpet" you say, staring at the darkness "It is only 5:43 in the evening. According to my calculations, if I placed an order now the cook's efficiency would be down 42%. I'll have to wait two hours and fifty-eight minutes to achieve the optimal delivery time, heh."

order then later you. but thirty inches must be. thirty inches, earthulillillia. feed on pizza you and we, feast for four earthdays.

Carpet's Voice grows silent, and you are left flat on your back, Carpet's cool fungal squishiness against your skin, the holomonitor still blinking and glowing with the latest build of Platform Masters. Dr Shimoda told you to go on a diet, but you know what you must do.

Bisekrankas - 2014-07-07

Thank you

oddeye - 2014-07-10

Indeed, thank you EvilHomer.

Gmork - 2014-06-13

This is beautiful. The pizza is beautiful. The patting down with paper towels is beautiful. Everything.

chairsforcheap - 2014-06-13

can we fuck to classical music

fluffy - 2014-06-13

His attempt at making smalltalk with the guy on the phone was beautiful.

Also I love how his tone of voice changes when he jumpcuts to 4.5 days later. He just sounds... sodden, with pizza, like he's ACTUALLY been eating for 4.5 days straight.

exy - 2014-06-14

-1 for not being a Red Baron pizza or whatever he used to eat exclusively. No, just kidding, -1 because I'm an unreasonable jerk.

Boomer The Dog - 2014-06-14

I can comment, he has a Dog buddy in the car! I heard panting at first when he was pulling into the pizza shop and wondered who that was.

I've seen this guy's videos here for a long time and never really got it, but this video made me laugh. Maybe it's the simplicity of pizza and how huge that pie is, and I've also degreased it that way myself, but not as thoroughly, just to take some oil off of the top.

If I made this video, I'd put a slice of 'Video Pizza' in mine as a nod to it, or Gimme Pizza.


Jet Bin Fever - 2014-06-14

so wait, you can ONLY comment if there's a dog involved in the video somewhere?

Boomer The Dog - 2014-06-14

Na, I'm not THAT bad, it's a joke from another video, someone was apparently surprised that I posted to a music video with no Dogs in it, so I added a Dog comment to make things right.. :)


Jet Bin Fever - 2014-06-16

You're a radical dog, Boomer.

Nominal - 2014-06-14

Looking something up in the phone book while an unused smartphone sits next to it.

Kumquatxop - 2014-06-14

I will only ever buy Bounty paper towels now. U-dogg endorsed.

The Mothership - 2019-02-11


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