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Comment count is 28
fluffy - 2014-06-21









BorrowedSolution - 2014-06-22

Petulant, envious cockbag.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-06-22

Does anybody understand what the anecdote at the beginning about the two Morman sisters has to do with Laci Green and Jenna Marbles?

Xenocide - 2014-06-22

23 minutes of a manchild crying because two people on Youtube are more popular than him.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-06-22

I think he's really crying because he considers them emblematic of why women will not fuck him. Clearly, he's not getting the sex that the wporld owes him.

exy - 2014-06-22

Luckily 12 year-old girls are way easier to convince to have sex with you.

Nominal - 2014-06-22

This guy does indeed have no dick, but it's interesting to study gender bias. Nothing is worse than men whining because evolutionarily speaking weak males are disposable so we're predisposed to dismiss them.

I bring this up because if you reverse the sexes, hire a better writer, and throw in some touching camera work, it's the exact same sentiment as the fat chick segment from Louis that everyone found endearing. "The world owes me attention and affection regardless of how little effort I put into bettering myself."

Gmork - 2014-06-22

I'm fat and have a beard and sex isn't hard to get. It's called having a personality that isn't equivalent to a statue.

Gmork - 2014-06-22

Oh go fuck yourself nominal. I prefer thick to skinny. You can have all the ugly boney types, more thick tattooed book-reading redheads for me.

memedumpster - 2014-06-22

"Nothing is worse than men whining because evolutionarily speaking weak males are disposable so we're predisposed to dismiss them."

Tell us again how comparing a fat girl who wants love to a pedophile on an internet sarcasm aggregate makes you a not weak male. Be sure to write in large block paragraphs and include lots of adjectives.

magnesium - 2014-06-22

"evolutionarily speaking weak males are disposable so we're predisposed to dismiss them."

Why is it whenever I see someone on the internet start a sentence with "evolutionarily speaking" I know they're about to say something that makes absolutely no sense anywhere in the real world of biology? If you actually have any education in evolutionary biology, you need to ask for your money back.

I do have to say, though, as a fatty, that I thought that scene in Louie was kind of dumb. I know he was trying to make it work with his "I can't get laid" style humour, but nobody owes you dates. Fat women have to deal with much stupider stuff than not getting hot dates. Like doctors will dismiss serious symptoms as "you're just fat" as soon as you're more than 15lbs over weight, and employers won't hire you, and men in juries are more likely to convict you of a crime. And yeah, having a personality and not being awful will get you dates from time to time anyways.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-06-22

Does anybody remember the crazy woman who made that deranged video after obama was reelected? Much better analogy.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-06-22

Ah yes. Type "crazy woman makes video after obama reelected", and it comes right up.


Here's your female equivalent, nominal.

ashtar. - 2014-06-22

"Nothing is worse than men whining because evolutionarily speaking weak males are disposable so we're predisposed to dismiss them."


BorrowedSolution - 2014-06-22

Bahahahahaha. Nominal thinks he knows how evolution works: is terribly wrong.

BorrowedSolution - 2014-06-22

Oh oh, I'll use my self-education as pertains to biology to explain why (corrections welcome): There's not really any such thing as a disposable member of a species in the sense of "We don't need their genes". If these so-called weak men were truly disposable, they'd be gone by now.

I'm not sure that 'weak' makes any sense in an evolutionary context, either. What makes one man more suitable in one context might actually be a detriment in another. So what do you mean by weak?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-06-22

If evolution really worked the way your average tough guy red pill amazing amazing atheist subscribing idiot seems to think it does, there would be no stephen hawkings, only Hulk Hogans. Our species thrives because we advanced morally and intellectually to the point where sensitive, high strung creative types became worth preserving.

ashtar. - 2014-06-22

You know, weak as in pussy faggot sissy beta males. Women are programmed by evolution to only like men that dominate and belittle them. Because cavemen and evolution. This is all very scientific.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-05-06

>>I bring this up because if you reverse the sexes, hire a better writer, and throw in some touching camera work, it's the exact same sentiment as the fat chick segment from Louis that everyone found endearing.

"HIRE A BETTER WRITER" is huge. The thing I liked about the "Louie" clip is the idea that fat girls hate it when people say "you're not fat". That's a real insight that seems true. I never thought about it before.

>>The world owes me attention and affection regardless of how little effort I put into bettering myself."

Take it from one who knows, anybody in here who's under thirty-five may be headed for a rendezvous with new insights into the nature of weight problems. It's not just decadence and laziness. Sometimes it's working to jobs, and being sleep deprived.

yogarfield - 2015-05-07

John, I love you baby,


but I am incapable of fatness, and I'll probably kill myself before I'm 35.

EvilHomer - 2015-05-07

I notice a lot of people in this thread rejecting, either implicitly or explicitly, the principles of sociobiology / evolutionary psychology. Why is that? Is it because you reject the idea that biology informs the social behavior of animals? Or is it because Nominal is whining, and thus easy to dismiss?

I'd like to hear the naysayers' thoughts on this, as most of the arguments against sociobiology that I've encountered in the past have really just boiled down to faith-based political anti-rationalism, and I'd love to read some better ones!

memedumpster - 2014-06-22

You know what this reminds me of? Someone is making a Nick Bravo movie and this is an audition video for the lead role.

Up next, Warwick Davis is going to blow him out of the water.

Adham Nu'man - 2014-06-22

American History Corky

yogarfield - 2015-05-07

too soon

ashtar. - 2014-06-22

Shut fuck the up.

Know you'r enemy.

Old_Zircon - 2014-06-22

He's right about Eminem, though.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2014-06-22

Wait, I just skipped around this, but am I to understand that the man with the facial tattoos is some sort of reactionary cultural conservative?

Needtodestroy - 2014-06-25

Idiot without any true culture claims we have a mess of a culture.

Please keep your chocolate out of my peanut butter.

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