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Comment count is 10
Adham Nu'man - 2014-06-22

I want to see a Terminator sequel directed by Wes Anderson with this guy doing special effects.

takewithfood - 2014-06-22

Big Hand Robot.

oddeye - 2014-06-22

Steve Sutton's got a little fat

yogarfield - 2014-06-22

I love this more than anything on this green earth.

Nominal - 2014-06-22

I'm convinced that not a single decent tutorial exists for any Adobe product. Rather than start off with broad, simple, effective lessons on how to quickly get into fun beginner stuff like this, every single book and guide I've ever seen breaks it down into chapters where each one takes a specific tool and meticulously shows you every single possible use for it, 95% of which will never be touched outside of high end professional work. By the time you move on to a new chapter that references the lord ones, you've forgotten what you previously learned.

I'm almost thinking they intentionally make guides like that to add a sense of exclusionary mysticism to their field.

Nominal - 2014-06-22

^references the old one

The only alternative is open source stuff like Gimp, and fuck that shit.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-06-22

Exception: The Photoshop WOW Book was a very easy step-by-step manual.

And in a way, it's worse when your book was (is?) written for Mac users. I found a lot of the old Adobe books spent half their pages spewing out the history of whatever real-world process their software was replacing (darkrooms, editing actual film, etc.) along with how awesome you were to use an Apple product, and here's the history of your superior computer of choice, etc.

garcet71283 - 2014-06-22

Oh come on, don't hate on Gimp.

How else am I supposed to put Kate Mulgrew's head on Jenna Jameson's body without paying money?

That guy - 2014-06-23


That guy - 2014-06-23

oh i hate you internet 1.0 i hate you so much asl;khjrtwe;oihjasfgkjhwdgvl;jasfg;lkahjsg;lj

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