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Comment count is 42
Chancho - 2014-07-06

Wow BurgerKing really cares... *sniff*

Cena_mark - 2014-07-06

Why must we be so cynical. Burger King is taking a big risk in supporting this cause.

Cube - 2014-07-07

Yeah... A calculated "risk", in which they have taken everything into account and can survive, even if it backfires.

Then they can fire all the black people.

EvilHomer - 2014-07-07

A big risk, releasing a gay burger in the heart of San Fransisco gay country.

If Burger King wanted to live on the wild side, then they should have sold this burger in the deep woods of Missouri's Ozark territory, and hit San Fran with the "Shamed by Sin" Hellfire-Grilled Burger.

Spaceman Africa - 2014-07-07

In which Burger King realizes lgbt rights is the new "hot thing" and jumps on the bandwagon to sell their products based on "pride"

ashtar. - 2014-07-07

In which Burger King realizes lgbt rights is the new "hot thing" and jumps on the bandwagon to sell their products based on "pride"

baleen - 2014-07-07

Dunwich horror thing steals eyes and lights hot thing and jumps on the Necromicon to peel their tear ducts debased so "hide."

urbanelf - 2014-07-07

Abdul Alhazred was gay?

Riskbreaker - 2014-07-07

Probably just bi-curious

Lef - 2014-07-07

The Great Old Ones will consume you first, a privilege for having entertained so well.

Old_Zircon - 2014-07-07

Considering where I worked, I'm genuinely disappointed in myself for not having a witty Lovecraft pun.

Anyhow, here's a photo I took on a lunch break last fall of a drawing he did when he was 14:



If I were going to get a tattoo this would be a strong contender.

Shoebox Joe - 2014-07-07

These sort of things are a toss up for me. Yeah, it's a thinly veiled marketing ploy, but on the other hand companies like Chik-fil-a and Hobby Lobby don't seem to be hurting much.

I'll go with the horribly flimsy support than the pricks who have managed to make me sick hearing the words "family" "morals" and "values"

infinite zest - 2014-07-07

I was surprised that it was an actual Burger King commercial complete with "them gays eat fast food?!?" (Ie shitty regular people food) Redneck and the girl pointing out "it's the same shit."

In ten years we'll probably wonder why this was a big deal, like the McDonald's commercials when they started featuring female or black employees in their ads. The thing that bothered me was the "beef or vegetarian (we go both ways)" guy and the obvious "I'm a meat person (I like cock") guy immediately after. It perpetuates the stereotype that gays only think about sex, and the next hole in their way better watch out. As far as I know homosexuals think about sex as much as heterosexuals.

A local co op in a Portland has come under fire because it was revealed through the owners' personal Facebook accounts that they believed homosexuality to be a sin. They don't discriminate in any way shape or form, it's just their personal belief. After the store finally opened, the solution was to make it clear that some of their employees were gay, which just salted the wound. But the joke in the lgbtq community was that they'd pull a stunt like this, replacing their American flags with rainbows, but just for a day so it proved they care.

Unless there's something I'm missing, Burger King did this on their own volition and there was no point to prove except that everyone has the right to what might be horse meat on a bun.

That guy - 2014-07-07

"As far as I know homosexuals think about sex as much as heterosexuals."
This is the sort of thing that's so politicized that it's hard to get a good empirical answer on it. I seem to remember some experimental results in reputable publications, but I can't find them after a 10 minute search, though I'm a search rookie by all means.

EvilHomer - 2014-07-07

>>Unless there's something I'm missing, Burger King did this on their own volition and there was no point to prove except that everyone has the right to what might be horse meat on a bun.

Looking forward to their Clopper Burgers.

infinite zest - 2014-07-07

This whopper tastes 20% better!

MissLadyArtemis - 2014-07-07

Could we also have a go at the "Men think about sex more than women" lie? Pretty please?

infinite zest - 2014-07-07

My empirical evidence is that most of my friends are gay. We go to the same bars, and the only difference is I might be looking for a girl to sleep with and they might be looking for a guy. Pride is fun but it's like Mardi Gras. I actually know more straight people who attend Pride than I do gay people, just like I know way more gay people who go to strip clubs than straight people.

Speaking of strip clubs, there was this thing last night called Stripperoke (karaoke with strippers) last night and someone dressed like one of the ponies (sorry, I don't know the name) sang "Hearts As Strong as Horses" and the strippers put on horse masks! I thought of you guys but they have a no video policy, probably for obvious reasons.

godot - 2014-07-07

Sorry MissLadyArtemis,

http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00224499.2011.56542 9

That guy - 2014-07-07

MissLadyArtemis, you can probably find multiple studies confirming that. That's all I found when trying to find a study about hetero v homo frequency of sexual thoughts.

But go ahead and insist it's all a lie, k?

Old_Zircon - 2014-07-07

"Could we also have a go at the "Men think about sex more than women" lie? Pretty please?"

I think you're referring to the "Women think about sex less than men" lie.

BillLumbergh - 2014-07-07

please stop submitting ads

That guy - 2014-07-07

unless they are as obnoxiously pandering as this.

Cena_mark - 2014-07-07

That was an uplifting commercial, and hating it makes you a homophobe.

Adham Nu'man - 2014-07-07

Then I'm a homophobe because I don't believe corporations are ever honest.

5 for bullshit pandering of shit products.

BillLumbergh - 2014-07-07

yeah because shitty food and senseless animal slaughter really lift my spirits. i'm not going to praise Burger King for not hating the gays in 2014. have they been on the fence about gay people up until this point or what's the deal? anyway go watch some sean hannity or something you freak

themilkshark - 2014-07-07


Change - 2014-07-07

"I think this wrapper means we all have the same rights"

Adham Nu'man - 2014-07-07

You actually changed my mind about this.

It's shit food and this is a corporation tailing the civic rights train hoping to collect the coins that are falling off of it, but it's still a positive message and there's a lot of people whose intellectual level is only capable of grasping a message if it's a burger analogy of some sort so it's good that they're getting educated.

EvilHomer - 2014-07-07

*wipes away tears*

EvilHomer - 2014-07-07

"We're all the same inside" gets a Would.

StanleyPain - 2014-07-07

http://www.hrc.org/blog/entry/whats-missing-in-burger-kings-pride- promotion

Cena_mark - 2014-07-07

Instead of a whopper they should have made it a sausage.

Adham Nu'man - 2014-07-07

Inside of a donut.

Enjoy - 2014-07-07


TeenerTot - 2014-07-07

Oh jesus.

The Mothership - 2014-07-07

Finally you people get it.

chumbucket - 2014-07-07

Eat this burger to feel more inclusive. Unless your diet doesn't tolerate it.

Hailey2006 - 2014-07-07

All I know is the homophobes and butthurt straights are going to a whole lot skinnier, if more junk food companies keep "coming out" like this..

cognitivedissonance - 2014-07-07

I know a guy who writes Burger King commercials. His dad was a mafia hit man. I didn't figure this out until I read a biography of Vincent "The Chin" Gigante and there was this guy in a photo, hanging out with his dad, a NYC mafia hit man who had infiltrated the city's SWAT team and become a sniper for the mob inside.

Nicest guy in the world, his son.

fluffy - 2014-07-07

Burger King usually makes me cry, but for a different reason.

Scrimmjob - 2014-07-07

The preload girl's gaping mouth and idiotic expression sum this up pretty well.

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