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Comment count is 12
That guy - 2014-07-10

We did it!

infinite zest - 2014-07-11

Pretty sure that's the same "Johnny Depp" from "Billion Dollar Movie," arguably the only funny part of that entire film.

TheOtherCapnS - 2014-07-11

You may be right about the impersonator, but this isn't a platform for what you think about Tim and Eric.

Honestly, people bitching about Tim and Eric on this site has become far more annoying to those of us with different comedy taste than Tim and Eric are to you guys. You win.

baleen - 2014-07-11


I smoked a bunch of weed and watched Billion Dollar Movie and laughed so hard I cried. I can't imagine it being that funny sober. SORRY THAT THERE'S NO ANIME IN IT.

StanleyPain - 2014-07-11

Considering the sad, brony-fueled depths to which the viewership here has sunk, writing multi-paragraph comments about the lives of fictional cartoon characters as if they were real, trying to shame anyone here over liking Tim and Eric is about the most laughable gesture anyone could come up with.

Hooker - 2014-07-11

The "counterpoint" there, in case anyone didn't understand it, is that baleen goes nuclear-crazy any time the notion of not liking Tim & Eric is brought up, and therefore bringing it up is still funny.

infinite zest - 2014-07-11

Yeah sorry, my opinion on BDM isn't relevant here (for the record I do like Tim and Eric most of the time.) But Tim and Eric are executive producers here and this part in particular reminded me of the opening and a few other scenes.

baleen - 2014-07-11

"baleen goes nuclear-crazy any time the notion of not liking Tim & Eric is brought up"

No, you have it backwards. I bring up Tim & Eric to watch the people who don't like it go crazy. I could give a flying fuck what you guys like.

SolRo - 2014-07-11

Isn't "I smoked a bunch of weed" therefor it's entertaining a stupid thing to say?

from what I understand, smoking a bunch of weed makes almost everything entertaining.

baleen; smoke a bunch of weed and go watch Mind Game.

Hooker - 2014-07-11

baleen is mocking a thing one person said about Tim & Eric once that he has taken to understand as the anthem of people who don't find the show funny.

baleen - 2014-07-11

Pssst.... I am really cool and you are boring.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-07-11

Romantic flute music.

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