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Desc:I knew Gail would chime in in Putin's defense, though I presumed she'd claim Jesuits were on MH17.
Category:News & Politics, Crime
Tags:Ukraine, paranoid schizophrenia, Gail Chord Schuler, Crazy Gail, Malaysian Airlines
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Comment count is 7
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-07-19

Imagine if Gail turned her romantic obsession to Mr. Putin instead of Brent Spiner?

baleen - 2014-07-19

I believe she believes there is already a connection to Putin romantically in her mind. She's sort of into both Putin and Spiner romantically if I recall, but I've lost track.

sasazuka - 2014-07-19

Yep, Brent Spiner is number 1, Vladmir Putin is number 2, I believe Matthew McConaughey is number 3, and Hugh Jackman, Gerard Butler, and Keanu Reeves are amongst the other on her "marriage list".

jangbones - 2014-07-19

could she be arrested for polygamy?

sasazuka - 2014-07-19

I think the buried lede in this video is that the trolls seem to be scaling back their involvement with Gail.

I noticed that all the troll sites (Church of Gail, the Crazy Gail wiki, and the fake Order of the Jesuits Site) went offline around 2 months ago, and Gail mentions not being in contact with her "men" for a month, or at least not Skype contacts with her trolls, the voices in her head don't count.

BorrowedSolution - 2014-07-19

Gail's crazy: her trolls are not.

For Gail, this is life.

For trolls, this is work.

Go Gail!

TypicalEllisProtagonist - 2014-07-20

That doesn't say JETSUITS like I thought it did.

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