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Desc:Woman with dubious face-blurring skills is on a mission to stop sexist assholery.
Tags:sexism, sexual harassment, cards against harassment, freedom to holla
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Comment count is 9
ashtar. - 2014-07-22

The proper Game response when a HB≥8 hands you a harassment card is to escalate into a holla loop.

Oscar Wildcat - 2014-07-22

He's a clever devil, goes right for the Neg, and by god it got some game out of her.

blue vein steel - 2014-07-22


The Mothership - 2014-07-22

If you feel like me an approach you and that's offended at you, you must be, you must a have a some kinda complex about yourself.

Average woman ain't got no man.

bac - 2014-07-23

I hope there are more of these. Anybody have any arguments against this ladies approach to cat calling? or in regards to the general consensus of feminist (and whoever else) saying it's a problem.

I've known a lot of people. and no girl I ever really know/knew ever mentioned cat calling as a thing that happened. almost all of them have said that they don't always like going to a bar alone because guys hitting on them gets annoying.

Azmo23 - 2014-07-23

maybe its where you live
i have friends who get the "ayy grrll" anywhere from stopped at red lights to buying medicine in sweatpants, they do not like it

Oscar Wildcat - 2014-07-23

I would argue that her "approach with literature" gambit pretty much is giving this guy everything that he wants. This underscores the gulf in thinking between the sexes.

Ladies: practice your cruel and derisive laugher. Use it. The male ego is a fragile thing. Do not distribute literature and engage in discussion!

memedumpster - 2014-07-23

This is why you should carry bear mace, so when you cat call someone they can't approach you with literature.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2014-07-23

What an idiot this guy is.

The correct response was "Bitch, why should I care if you're offended?"

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