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Desc:Your Move Creep, I'd Buy That Dollar Store For A Dollar, Stay Out of Trouble
Tags:dollars, trillions of hot pockkets, millions of dollar trees, think u holdin weights when you havent had the 8s
Submitted:infinite zest
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Comment count is 18
oddeye - 2014-07-30

How much did they pay?

infinite zest - 2014-07-31

I'll tell you but it won't be cheap oddeye.

kingarthur - 2014-07-30

Mississippi, the poorest state in the nation, is littered with these stores. They're everywhere you go.

chumbucket - 2014-07-30

The Family Dollar just down the road has the very best selection of Slim Jim snacks I've ever seen anywhere. That better not change with this buyout crap or I'm writing a few congressmen.

EvilHomer - 2014-07-30

The Family Dollar by the boardwalk was the only place I could find Faygo. They stopped stocking it last month ago; maybe this had something to do with that?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-07-30

The great thing about Dollar General and Family Dollar is that they've allowed me to cut down on my WalMart experiences by about 50 per cent.

TeenerTot - 2014-07-30

There's a Family Dollar within walking distance of my house. There is also a Dollar Tree just outside what I'd consider walking distance. I can only guess they'll close the one I walk to when I want to buy some plastic dinosaurs for my garden.

Old_Zircon - 2014-07-30

Didn't this recently happen in the UK, too? I feel like I heard Ashens mention Poundland buying some other pound store or vice versa.

oddeye - 2014-07-30

Pound Stretcher maybe?

infinite zest - 2014-07-30

Heh poundstore just sounds like something else to these western ears and eyes. Like a place where you get the stray cats and dogs. A delightful day for pounding all around chum.

SolRo - 2014-07-30

I thought the pound store is that place where all the windows are blacked out, the parking lot filled with shitty custom muscle cars/trucks, and with a video booth section in the back.

cognitivedissonance - 2014-07-30

The thing is, these places have a false illusion of value. Nothing in them is actually worth a dollar. Very, very little is of any actual necessity for human existence, and they offer only temporary solutions to anything you might potentially need. They just make me depressed.

il fiore bel - 2014-07-30

It depends.

I've found glassware for work, some cooking tools, and storage containers. I've purchased holiday decorations and gift containers. And theatre candy never goes above a dollar (I suppose that may be true in Wal-mart, but fuck Wal-mart).

I don't expect to get any long lasting cookware or soap/lotion that isn't a cheap knock-off of B&B Works.

boner - 2014-07-30

Good place to get band aids that don't stick to human skin, trust me.

Hooker - 2014-07-30

Man, not to jump on the fucking WALMART bandwagon, but who are these people that feel disgust going into a Walmart but are perfectly comfortable in the next standard deviation of desperate consumerism that is the fucking dollar store?

memedumpster - 2014-07-30

Walmart is a substandard department store smashed against a substandard grocery store. Even if it were privately owned by a lesbian grandmother co-op from Mount Pilot, it would still be the worst place to shop compared to other places.

oddeye - 2014-07-31

If you shop at a dollar store and don't expect ANYTHING to last a single use you will never be disappointed HOWEVER it is possible to buy some stuff that is GOOD ENOUGH for the job you need it for at a fair price, you just got to really look for it.

Their game is really to stock tons of cheap shit that you will buy cause "it's only a dollar" despite not needing it until you just saw it. You're basket will ring up for worth of product.

Dollar stores will fucking cut you wide open.

memedumpster - 2014-07-30

Holy shit, I think that means Dollar General won the war.

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