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Comment count is 13
MyNameIsUnimportant - 2014-07-29

You realize what this means, right?

On Weird Al's next album, he must parody . . . HIMSELF!

Think he's up to the task?

SolRo - 2014-07-29

God speed, funny man-musician.

Waugh - 2014-07-30

or a collaboration with Richard Cheese.

boner - 2014-07-29

I never thought Weird Al would ever be more popular than Various Artists.

Old_Zircon - 2014-07-29

The Springsteen of song parodies.

Old_Zircon - 2014-07-29

Or parodists.

SolRo - 2014-07-29

Now that he's made it to the top, and the magic that kept him young wears off, he will start rapidly aging.

Quad9Damage - 2014-07-29

Just hope the rapid degeneration doesn't do whatever would cause him to become the next Ray Stevens.

infinite zest - 2014-07-29

Aw.. This made me all teary eyed. I mean, after all these years who would think that Tom Green would still have a show?

Maggot Brain - 2014-07-29

This is amazing; Tom Green is back on TV!

jreid - 2014-07-29


Nikon - 2014-07-30

Bout damn time. You deserve it, Al. Keep cranking out pop culture parodies.

The Mothership - 2017-04-22

Party in the CIA is magnificent.

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