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Comment count is 9
poorwill - 2014-08-04

the music gets me so pumped!!!!!!!!! to own a sweet dog tee

memedumpster - 2014-08-04

Once I realized that the names of these shirts would make the most hilarious nicknames for significant others, I couldn't stop laughing.

Oscar Wildcat - 2014-08-04

Plus it brings a whole new dimension to the age old question, briefs or boxers.

Simillion - 2014-08-04

i got my pug one coming in the mail already

That guy - 2014-08-04

If I get one of the labrador shirts and wear it, can I act like a lab on people all day long?

Hey hey whatcha doin whatcha whatisthat hey hey hug me what do you smell like what is that heyheyheyheyheyheyhey ineedlove

Binro the Heretic - 2014-08-04

Was this made in 1987?

Aress - 2014-08-04

Also don't miss their video for small dog breed shirts.

Spaceman Africa - 2014-08-04

I remember going to a family reunion and one of the more yokel members of my extended family had one of these shirts.

Ghoul - 2014-08-05

Who the fuck are these shirts being made for?! Me. The answer is me.

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