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Comment count is 5
urbanelf - 2014-08-11

Replace "millions of dollars my father, who was a general in the army, locked away in a Swiss bank account" with "your life" and replace "give me ,000 up front to cover the bank access fee" with "I get to touch your dong."

Basically the same thing.

Old People - 2014-08-11

Well, that is daring.

memedumpster - 2014-08-11

*jacks someone off furiously*


Nominal - 2014-08-12



EvilHomer - 2014-08-12

Wow! This sounds awesome! Not the getting jacked off by a faith healer part, but the musangwe part.

http://muleyate.blogspot.com/2010/11/musangwe-venda-combat.htm l

It's like Fight Club, with dudes who throw punches that can kill donkeys.

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