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Comment count is 48
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-08-23

Of course he believes in a God. He's HERCULES! It's kind of hard to be an atheist when you're Herc, right?

Just kidding. He's a douchecanoe.

infinite zest - 2014-08-23

Some of my best friends like TYT

Sexy Duck Cop - 2014-08-23

Zest: Probably because they thought they were clicking on a Jon Stewart clip instead.

poopy - 2014-08-24


MurgatroidMendelbaum - 2014-08-23

In case you haven't seen God's Not Dead, Kevin Sorbo's character is an unrepentant, aggressive, amoral asshole.

"As of June 18, 2014, the movie has a worldwide total of million, against the million budget." - Wikipedia

Part of me just wants to believe he's staying in character to prepare for the sequel...

poorwill - 2014-08-23

He dies at the end anyway. Still, it's Jesus shit so I guess they can bring him back. Like Lazarus pits in Batman.

Hooker - 2014-08-23

The movie is amazing. It's like one of those rare blah blah blah for ten hours YouTube videos that actually become more funny the longer you watch it (Joe Pesci's head on fire, for instance) in that the movie is exactly as dumb as you expect and it becomes rather astonishing how dumb it manages to stay and how closely it sticks to every shopworn movie trope it can.

infinite zest - 2014-08-23

God's Not Dead (Again!)

Music by Oingo Boingo

spikestoyiu - 2014-08-24

I watched a lady at Redbox try to return her copy of "God's Not Dead" by sticking the case in the wrong way five times. If you've ever used Redbox, then you know there's only four possible ways you can actually put the case back into the machine.

boner - 2014-08-23

he's just a hunk. who cares

Binro the Heretic - 2014-08-23

Never ever defend hateful remarks with the preface "I have lots of (insert offended group here) friends!"

oddeye - 2014-08-23

I've got nothing against ...BUT

oddeye - 2014-08-23

Somehow the greater than and less than signs messed up my post:

I'm not a racist, far from it, and I've nothing against "insert race".... BUT

SolRo - 2014-08-23

He's a really good actor.

He convincingly played a decent person in several B-rank shows.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-08-23

His imdb makes it seem like he has a lot of work going on but his recent work the last few years have been bit parts like "unnamed security guard".

I almost kind of feel sorry for him if I didn't know he is still probably swimming in Hercules money.

ShiftlessRastus - 2014-08-23

He was in that Libertarian revenge fantasy movie, so I can understand why he might hate those mooching, non-bootstrap-pulling, loser, filthy animals.

Yet he's not angry about a fascist police state using tax dollars to purchase overkill weapons and equipment, suppress the first amendment, enact a curfew, and beat the shit out of an unarmed populace... You know, like the bad guys from that shitty movie he was in?

urbanelf - 2014-08-23

We're basically watching a new organization being totally uncharitable in reading a quote.

He didn't say "protesters" or "protests". In the quote he said "riots". If there was more text to help make TYT's point, they didn't include it.

Binro the Heretic - 2014-08-23

To people like Kevin Sorbo, "protest" and "riot" are the same thing.

EvilHomer - 2014-08-23

Yeah, saying he's a "piece of shit" is just as untenable as saying rioters are "animals". His comment may have been wrong, but it wasn't THAT bad, especially not in light of the sort of rhetoric that usually gets tossed around these days. Futhermore, his redaction/apology (which they play later, after five minutes or so of priming by TYT) really isn't that unreasonable.

Accidie - 2014-08-24

I'm with you guys on this one. He did the best job possible in apologizing and clarifying, and these douchebags kept race baiting and name calling.
By the end of the video he seemed like he had a soul and TYT did not.

takewithfood - 2014-08-23

I usually 1-star TYT videos, but Sorbo deserves them.

Jeriko-1 - 2014-08-23

I really, realllly weighed on submitting this one but I figured it was Evil Enough(tm) to justify a TYT submission.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-08-23

This just in:

Festering dogshit has denied any affiliation with Kevin Sorbo, says it is "outraged beyond words" at "this cruel, degrading, and totally unfounded slander".

Tough American Bouncer - 2014-08-23

Did he really call black people animals or are we just making assumption that all rioters were black?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-08-23

I think it's probably a mixture of preconceived notions of what black people are like, that is to say mainly criminals, and anger over the act of rioting in and of itself. It's only half racist and the half that is legitimate outrage over the crimes being committed that have no real excuse I won't begrudge him.

However someone pointed out he doesn't seem to be angry over police militarization, which is not really in line with libertarian values that I know of (in fact most libertarians don't see the point and veer more towards less laws, violations, and penalties because they would result in less crime).

Again, this makes me sad because I really loved that show when I was young. I used to love nothing more than doing my homework and waiting for Hercules and Xena to come on.

Binro the Heretic - 2014-08-23

Never call people "animals", even if they're doing the wrong thing. They're still people, damn it.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-08-23

Yes I know. That's the racist part. I thought I made that pretty clear but in case I didn't yes that is racist.

Unless he was referring to that episode of Hercules where the centaur looted a magic jewel or some shit.

oddeye - 2014-08-23

But people ARE animals, you doof!

GQ - 2014-08-23

Since no one else got it in yet:

infinite zest - 2014-08-23


Bort - 2014-08-23

The only good thing to come out of this whole incident.

memedumpster - 2014-08-23

I am starting to think TYT is a right wing organization. These people all come off like they're playing stereotypes of the socially outraged. Their clothing, way of speaking, body language, all of it screams "bad acting!"

At least Kevin Sorbo probably gave his honest opinion.

ashtar. - 2014-08-23

You and your crazy conspiracy theories. The simplest explanation is usually the best. They're probably just reptilians.

EvilHomer - 2014-08-23

That... that actually makes a lot of sense.

Both of your theories.

EvilHomer - 2014-08-23

I've always chalked TYT's weird wooden mannerisms up to the fact that they're idiots, but an elaborate hoax works too!

memedumpster - 2014-08-23

Oh man, what if they are reptilians, and it turns out reptilians are actually pretty dumb.

That would explain why the Illuminati sucks at global conquest.

exy - 2014-08-23

Shit. That's a fresh breath of air in the reptilian conspiracy theory. Time to go write CONSPIRACY MOVIE.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-08-23

I've noticed a lot of liberal websites have become just as bad and venemous as the conservative ones.

Every racist incident that occurs means that all Republicans are racist and ignorant. All of Obama's failures mean all Democrats want to suck the life's blood out of this country. Everyone fucking demonizes each other and it's pretty much hate beyond anything I can deal with anymore.

I'm at a point now where I don't trust any media source because they are so busy trying to get you to hate the fuck out of whoever doesn't represent their viewpoint they forget that everyone in this country is in the same boat.

I'm fucking depressed now.

oddeye - 2014-08-23

To pass this class all you need to do is write three simple words...


memedumpster - 2014-08-23

ROUS, I didn't know you felt that way about reptilians.

I'm sure not all of them are dumb.

Bort - 2014-08-23

"Every racist incident that occurs means that all Republicans are racist and ignorant."

I admit that I tend to jump to that conclusion, and I shouldn't. Not every Republican is racist. But there are plenty who are, the Republican Party thrives on appeals to racism, and the non-racists who still vote Republican are running out of excuses for not walking away.

I still love citing this statistic (page 10, question 6): 45% of Republicans have a "generally favorable" opinion of George Zimmerman, or at least they did around the time of his trial. (I'm not aware of more recent polls.) Nothing tracks more strongly with Zimmerman support than being a Republican: not age, not income, not gender, not even skin color.

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/interactive/2013/07/24/fox-new s-poll-voters-are-unhappy-with-economy-say-repeal-obamacare/

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-08-23

So now I really need to know what other minor celebrities of the 80s and 90s think of Ferguson. How about Melissa Joan Hart? Philip Michael Thomas? What does Urkel think about the rioting?

infinite zest - 2014-08-24

So what you wanna know is what Ferguson thinks about Ferguson.

CrazyBlueRocket - 2014-08-24

He may be asked not to come back to our comic con here in two weeks over this. Kind of sucks, I like seeing b list celebs in the distance and pointing and nodding over their existence. Except for James Hong, im shilling out for a pic with that guy

CrazyBlueRocket - 2014-08-24

Oh and stars cause I really don't care this time

Bort - 2014-08-24

Maybe Racist Kevin Sorbo cosplay needs to become a thing.

cognitivedissonance - 2014-08-24

Kevin Sorbo and the ghost of George Burns in:

"Oh God's Not Dead: Book II" (1980)

A mentally deranged atheist (Sorbo) discovers hijinks galore with he teams up with God (Burns) to find the hidden treasure of Benjamin Franklin. Featuring music by Linda Rondstadt and Vanilla Ice, directed by Sidney Poitier. (Hard R)

Aubrey McFate - 2014-08-28


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