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Comment count is 11
Hooker - 2014-08-24

The movie begins with Ziering and Reid on a commercial flight to New York. The plane begins to pass into a storm, and while looking out the window, he catches lightning going off in the clouds, which clearly illuminates the outline of a shark. I don't know if I've ever seen a shot that more perfectly set the tone for the rest of a movie than that shot did.

In a way, every film that The Asylum has ever made lead into Sharknado 2.

Nominal - 2014-08-24

Terror at 20,000 feet perfectly sets the tone for Sharknado 2?

This movie came out a month ago o_O. It set a new record for SyFy with something like 4 million viewers tuning in for the debut.

Personally I thought it suffered from Birdemic 2 syndrome where a fun original became too tied up in its own wackiness, morphing into a rote crowd funded/sourced in-joke for the sequel.

infinite zest - 2014-08-24

I only made it halfway through. Sharknado 1.5? There's some great poetv-worthy scenes (no spoilers but the whole home run scene in the baseball park is golden) but it fails to capture that Corman/self-aware Asylum vibe it was probably going for.

Speaking of Asylum, where's your fucking Guardians of the Galaxy clone, Asylum? I'd love love love to see what they come up with.

The Mothership - 2014-08-24

Andy Dick sighting. That's him at 0:37.

infinite zest - 2014-08-24

He wasn't supposed to be there. Just responded to a fake craigslist ad about free adderall (ooooooo)

Nominal - 2014-08-24

There's like 30 cameos, including Kelly Osborne as the flight attendant and Judd Hirsch as a taxi driver :(

infinite zest - 2014-08-24

I like how the protagonist's name was Fin Shepard. Sort of like Snow Crash, it was smart when it wanted to be but it's a movie about what it's about. Smoke some dope and watch it but it's no masterpiece. Just ignore the anti-drug commercials and don't forget that it takes longer for you to smoke that cigarette than the commercials last, so don't piss off your friends.

- Cool Teens

EvilHomer - 2014-08-24

Yes, but is there a Boxxy cameo?

infinite zest - 2014-08-25

I'm envisioning a poetv the movie that stars boxxy tfl bill chris chan and fedsmoker in like a bobsled team or something that suddenly gets attacked by mountain goats during training.

zerobackup - 2014-08-25

Don't forget the Garbage Day guy, Trampoline Virgin and a My Little Pony.

Pillager - 2014-08-24

She looks like 300 miles of rough road.

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