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Comment count is 7
Raggamuffin - 2014-08-30

Of course! it's so simple!

il fiore bel - 2014-08-30

patty tears

Cena_mark - 2014-08-30

Wait, this a Japanese ripoff of the Taiwanese animated news!

undecided - 2014-08-30


infinite zest - 2014-08-30


crasspm - 2014-08-30

I taught for a year there and found that the cruelest joke was the popularity of Avril Lavinge. Aburu Rabingu. It took me ages to even know what all the teenage girl students were talking about.

fluffy - 2014-08-30

At Sony NA we had a long-running joke about how we kept on naming our products with the hardest-to-pronounce things for the Japan side of things. It's not that we did it on purpose or anything but it kept on working out that way, with names like "Trilithium" ("Turairishium") and "Melitta" (Mereeta). They also had a really hard time when we were working with Hulu (Furu) and Netflix (Netufritsh).

We also had an internal platform called WLOP (pronounced "wallop") that they kept on saying as "ooh-rohp." We eventually made a pronunciation style guide for them. It didn't help.

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