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Comment count is 10
memedumpster - 2014-08-31

Andy Warhol was, at first, excited about reincarnation, but then he learned about karmic debt and was horrified.

fluffy - 2014-08-31

For 1:10

Merzbau - 2014-08-31


kamlem - 2014-08-31

Q. Would you cook/eat a fruit or vegetable after it has been on a hounds head?

infinite zest - 2014-08-31

I would. I usually eat sandwiches and pet my cat at the same time. I know where he's been.

Bisekrankas - 2014-08-31

Enumerating by numbers wentou of style in the early 90:s, the official name is World War : electric boogalo

infinite zest - 2014-08-31

CHEATING! I think I saw a sausage at 0:49. That dog's one of those "vegans"

il fiore bel - 2014-08-31

For kale mohawk.

But the pineapple was just mean.

Caminante Nocturno - 2014-08-31

Oolong's legacy lives on in the spirit of his fellow pets.

betabox - 2014-08-31

There are few things better in this weary old world than dogs.

This video did nothing to prove this maxim.

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