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Comment count is 10
cognitivedissonance - 2014-09-05

This week has been an underwhelming week here at POETV, but PUAs always keep us in the black.

TeenerTot - 2014-09-05

A pickup convention?
Oh, hey it's even worse than I imagined.

chumbucket - 2014-09-05

God help any woman within 5 miles of that

Maggot Brain - 2014-09-05

Sounds like the worst gay bar ever

misterbuns - 2014-09-05

needs asian body dysmorphia tag

TimidAres - 2014-09-05


Nominal - 2014-09-05

I had some really nice collared striped shirts back in 2003 before they became the uniform of guys like this. I liked them, chicks liked them and would compliment them all the time.

Then they became shorthand for "I'm desperately trying to get laid tonight" and I had to switch to solid color collared shirts.

Then those fuckers co-opted THAT and I'm stuck with t-shirts now.

Old_Zircon - 2014-09-06

I have to wear that shit to work this year and it makes me uncomfortable but I offset it somewhat by getting them all at the thrift store and trying not to wear any that were made after the mid 90s,so at least they're dated.

memedumpster - 2014-09-05

They need to hold one of these meetings in Austria, so they can call it the Vienna Sausage Fest.

Hooker - 2014-09-06

200 PUAs in a cl... http://tinyurl.com/9xqyu4j

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