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Comment count is 4
oddeye - 2014-09-02

Ok, so what did the subject look like after using the powerful Bellymash System?

baleen - 2014-09-02

Starred mainly for the copy:

You get up and dressed in the morning .
Just like anyone else .
You is tired of having a apron on your front .
Try this exercise twice a day .
You can lose 2' inches of stomach fat .
In just one week .
Watch inches melt away .
Day by day .
Lay on a flat surface .
Roll your fingers in and out on the stomach .
Making your stomach move up and down motion .
Now you can feel the burn .
Do stomach exercise twice a day .
In the morning and before bedtime .
A count of 30 in and out .
Try this exercise your stomach will thank you for it .
Video brought to you by : Lucky Numbers Channel .

baleen - 2014-09-02

I want to know if she wrote that in 30 seconds, or if it took her a couple hours to get just the right words.

oddeye - 2014-09-02

"You is tired of having a apron on your front" is pretty poetic

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