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Comment count is 8
fluffy - 2014-09-20

This show annoys me in every way possible and yet I am really glad it exists and I genuinely appreciate what they're doing with it. Not enough cartoons embrace their medium to do wonderfully surreal, absurdist visual humor.

infinite zest - 2014-09-20

I had seen an older one and was like "meh.." but the newest one about Professional Wrestling (guest starring Ric Flair) is one of the best things I've seen in like ever.

Syd Midnight - 2014-09-22

A lot of cartoons try too hard, but Uncle Grandpa tries so hard that it manages to be funny through sheer brute force. That's an achievement.

Bort - 2014-09-20

Haha, I know someone with a red pouch like Uncle Grandpa's:


She's well on her way to Aunt Grandma cosplay.

ashtar. - 2014-09-20

Uh. The visual humor is neat, but this is otherwise amazingly generic and unwatchable.

bongoprophet - 2014-09-20

pretty much

Old People - 2014-09-20

Daring and original

Nominal - 2014-09-20

Ed Grimley meets Ren & Stimpy with the superpowers of Jake the dog.

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