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Comment count is 13
Cube - 2014-09-19

What is it with you people and Skeletors?

That guy - 2014-09-19

well.... they often frolic... sooo..... onus is on you

Sudan no1 - 2014-09-19

They are spooky, scary, and can Go Fast. http://youtu.be/dfqaZ1hqXio

oddeye - 2014-09-19

It's in our bones.

jreid - 2014-09-19

There's a little bit of skeleton in us all.

Pope Caius - 2014-09-19

They're talented trumpeters.

Doot doot.

ashtar. - 2014-09-20

Hey. "Skeletors" is an offensive and derogatory term.
Try using "Skeleton Americans" or "People of Calcium".

That guy - 2014-09-20

Yeah! There's more than one kind of skelton. How would you like it if they called you Rubik all the time?

poorwill - 2014-09-21

i want to fuck them

StanleyPain - 2014-09-19

This guy put a skeleton to bed AND YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED NEXT!!!!

oddeye - 2014-09-19

This skeleton THOUGHT he was going to bed.... BUT rather than a GOOD nights rest... HE got BONED instead!!

cognitivedissonance - 2014-09-19

A young Norman Bates at play.

infinite zest - 2014-09-19

I should like to sleep like a skeleton,
with all the bones of time,
with the skin that does not exist and with the dry sex of fire,
and after speaking to no one, stretch bones all over the world
over rooftops and graveyards with a passionate desire to play the trumpet in my dreams.

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