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Comment count is 21
ashtar. - 2014-09-25

Holy shit yes.

infinite zest - 2014-09-25

fuck yes indeed. But I'm sorry, it's a sort of dupe, which for whatever reason didn't show up in my dupecheck dance (even though the description is more-or-less the same:


But yeah. Watch this movie. It's out now.

Merzbau - 2014-09-25

Hey, anything that gets this more attention. I haven't had a chance to see it yet because for some goddamn reason there's no theater in Philly that shows Alamo Drafthouse releases, but I might just have to give in and rent it on VOD or something.

infinite zest - 2014-09-25

I used to work at a Landmark, and was surprised that the Ritz didn't have it on their schedule yet. Then again, the one I used to work at doesn't have it either.. It's weird because I think Magnolia and Drafthouse were pretty much in the sack together, at least when I worked there. When I was there, if a movie was requested enough we'd try to get it. Then again, that's how we ended up with Paprika for 5 days and My Big Fat Greek Wedding for 8 months.. :)

CrimsonHyperSloth - 2014-09-25

I just blurted out, "Holy Fuck!" when I watched this trailer.

Dupe or not I missed it the first time and I must see this, I loved Waltz with Bashir, thanks for this.

infinite zest - 2014-09-25

Waltz with Bashir was one of the few movies I got to see during a film fest I was working. I loved it but for personal reasons it made me uncomfortable: a lot of people who fled the war ended up in the Pacific Northwest and we were friends: Israelites and Palestinians who watched Ducktales. None of us had a clue about the news, we just liked cartoons. But it was tough for me to let myself go. The congress, I just wish it was longer, and it's not exactly short. I won't spoil it, but I'll just say the trailer doesn't do the film justice. I gush about GotG as much as Holy Mountain, and thought TMNT was ok (really) so take my opinion with a grain of salt but it's this confluence of all the things I loved growing up with all the things I've come to love as an adult. I really recommend it

kingarthur - 2014-09-25

Didn't know this was an adaptation of Lem when I heard about it. Now that I've seen the trailer, I'm sold.

casualcollapse - 2019-07-24

I wonder if you ever got to see it sweet prince

The Mothership - 2014-09-25

So it's about the nature of the identity of the individual over time, and who the 'real you' is; you in the present or you in the past or future. How many different people are we during the course of our lives, and who has ownership of that person?

I want to see this film now, thanks for this, looks really good.

Binro the Heretic - 2014-09-26

I think the last time I saw Wright was in "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and that was little more than a cameo. She's one of those actors I can never get enough of.

I've had a serious crush on her ever since "The Princess Bride", of course. Cyndi Lauper, Jennifer Connelly and Robin Wright used up a big chunk of my CPU's processes when I was going through puberty.

No, not like that, you fucking perverts.

(That's what Christina Applegate was for.)

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-09-26

She's great in House of Cards. This looks really self aware and totally unlike anything else coming out this year.

infinite zest - 2014-09-27

I can't believe I'm replying to ROUS with this, but Buttercup is mentioned quite a bit!! I haven't seen House of Cards but should check it out. Wright's performance here reminds me a lot of Helen Mirren's in the Queen: sort of a "oh THAT person!" moment (although Teaching Mrs. Tingle WAS a great movie, haters.) It's funny because when I was a kid I didn't like the "Columbo reads a convoluted fairy tale" premise, as I just wanted to live within the Princess Bride. But as an adult, I appreciate the separation of fantasy and reality. More than Lem's novel, it reminds me of the first time I read Snow Crash, or Neuromancer. I imagined Furutama-esque tubes transporting Case around the world, and not cyberspace, and Snow Crash's Metaverse as more than an MMO.

Old_Zircon - 2014-09-26

I'm going to watch this again tomorrow when I'm not having caffeine withdrawal before I form an opinion, because obviously a bunch of people are seeing something in it that I'm not right now.

infinite zest - 2014-09-26

There's the Elephant in the room, for sure (once again I don't want to spoil it) but that elephant doesn't breathe down your neck. An elephant just happens to be there, and it's a pretty big room.

ashtar. - 2015-06-22

It wasn't as good as the trailer.

Aelric - 2014-09-26

Watched this yesterday. It's not the best movie story-wise, but there are some great performances and the whole concept is really interesting to watch.

Kid Fenris - 2014-09-26

It looks like it could collapse into Bakshi-esque delirium quite easily.

But I liked Waltz With Bashir, so I'll check this out.

fluffy - 2014-09-26

I've been meaning to see it but as with a lot of great smaller films I missed it when it was at the arthouse theater in Seattle recently.

infinite zest - 2014-09-27

There's (ahem) ways to watch it. It's not even out in Portland yet, and someone who lives Seattle posted about it the same time as I was talking about cartoon transfiguration as suicide through Aqua's lyrics (a debate for the ages) so I watched it again. But like Snowpiercer, it's another movie that I'd highly recommend seeing when you can and paying for it, so movies like these can continue to be made. When it gets down here I will be first in line (even if I sneak in beer)

fluffy - 2014-09-27

Yeah, I'll probably do my usual compromise and watch it and then buy the blu-ray or something (same thing I did with Moon).

casualcollapse - 2019-07-24

Snowpiercer, still surprised I had not seen a clip of it until I submitted one.

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