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Comment count is 15
The Mothership - 2014-09-26

New Sesame Street is such shit. All Elmo and some flying Fairy School animated shit that has fart jokes, with the occasional appearance of some classic characters with lessons or counting, and really weird shit is never seen anymore. When did Sesame Street fall apart?

fluffy - 2014-09-26

Probably about the same time you outgrew it.

oddeye - 2014-09-26

I like that vet lady, she's fucking hot. I'd like to see more of Gordon but for a different reason. There is too much Elmo and Abi but overall it's a fucking kids program and my kid learns shit from it.

infinite zest - 2014-09-27

I spent a lot of time watching Sesame Street with my nephew from a previous marriage, and I wondered the same thing: this was around 2006 or so, and it just sucked. I wasn't enjoying it and he wasn't either. The new ones I've seen treat it more like it was the Muppet Show. Arguably not a bad thing, but that means that I'd enjoy it and the child wouldn't. I love John Oliver, but the "Last Week Tonight" segment was wrong on so many levels. None of the jokes or puns have any pedagogical value, and if a 3-5 year-old is curious, he or she will google up John Oliver and find out a bunch of "on-the-playground" words before entering preschool. Here, I remember hearing the Cars and being like "oh! no!"

EvilHomer - 2014-09-27

I have not seen any of these controversial new Sesame Street episodes; in fact, I wasn't even aware they were still filming new material. Would someone kindly submit a few of the more egregious segments?

The Mothership - 2014-09-27

its not all bad. Super Grover 2.0 is amusing and the Cookie Monster movie spoofs are pretty good.

infinite zest - 2014-09-27

EH here's the one I was talking about:


I mean, it's funny and all, and the silent B at the beginning is something that would stick with me. But the rest is just pure humor, aimed primarily at adults.

Smitty - 2014-09-26

Fantastic song.

oddeye - 2014-09-26

oh NO it isn't.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2014-09-26

Almost as eighties as "Dare to Be Stupid"

That guy - 2014-09-26


EvilHomer - 2014-09-27

Getting kids used to the police state.

Rosebeekee - 2014-09-27

I don't know why, but this scared me as a child. I think it was because of the odd way it was filmed.

spicediver - 2014-09-27

Damn cool. I never saw this one, but it dates from the time when I watched the show.

Could you imagine Sesame Street airing this clip now? The country's Anti-Fun Health & Safety Overlords would be apocolyptic, saying it's leading kids into danger, etc.

sasazuka - 2014-09-30

It was always strange to see anyone from the adult cast show up in the music videos, but five stars anyhow, for the 1958 Plymouth Fury (same model year as "Christine") and the pre-1958 Corvette that Super Grover is driving.

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