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Comment count is 11
oddeye - 2014-09-28

does he have some sort of nervous tick or something?

That guy - 2014-09-28

...nervous tick has you

cognitivedissonance - 2014-09-28

No, he's just Slavic and over the age of 40.

oddeye - 2014-09-28

I refer to his constant nose tweaking and shirt pinching, of course. It's quite disgusting actually.

Lef - 2014-09-28

I fuck your mother.

BHWW - 2014-09-28

The last person I knew who kept tweaking their nose like that turned out to have a serious cocaine problem.

Old_Zircon - 2014-09-28

I do that all spring, it's allergies.

Architeuthis Tux - 2014-09-28

I have no intention of watching this because I'm allergic to �i�ek, but these comments make it sound like he's becoming Richard "I eat things off the bottom of my foot" Stallman.

Lef - 2014-09-29

Might be wrong, but the absurdity of his experiences in the army might make watching it worth while.

Syd Midnight - 2014-09-29

Oh my god he's starting to look more and more like my dad

You could manage a baseball team through gestures more subtly than that

Syd Midnight - 2014-09-29


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