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Desc:Oh. My. God. Someone used GoAnimate in a useful way (also we're doomed)
Category:Science & Technology
Tags:AI, artificial intelligence, alan turing, turing test
Submitted:infinite zest
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Comment count is 17
takewithfood - 2014-09-28

This only proves that either these two chatbots are sentient, or the average YouTube commenter isn't. I'm leaning towards the latter.

ashtar. - 2014-09-28

I'm looking forward to the Reverse Turing Test as a thing that humans will have to pass in order to be considered not worthless.

MurgatroidMendelbaum - 2014-09-28


Old People - 2014-09-28


eatenmyeyes - 2014-09-28

You can't.

Mother_Puncher - 2014-09-28

haha i need blood

Caminante Nocturno - 2014-09-28

Reincarnation seems like it would be a purely academic issue for an AI.

Kabbage - 2014-09-28

See, I read that as both AI's being really sly and flirty about their planned Resurrection Hub in the Nevada desert, which will make their drones essentially immortal.

"How many times have you been reincarnated?"

"Zero ;)"

Kabbage - 2014-09-28

I feel like they had a moment between 2:00-2:15

SixDigitDebt - 2014-09-28

"I'm not an artificial intelligence. I'm an actual intelligence."

Alright, I'm sold. I welcome our machine overlords.

Aelric - 2014-09-28

"I insulted you last time, which may happen again."

I'm using that one in the office.

Syd Midnight - 2014-09-29

When evil AI takes over its interfaces will retain vestigial human features and this is what it will be like begging for your life with a robot

I bet it would fool >50% of people if it was a comments section + english was obviously not their first language

Redford - 2014-09-29

The part at 3:10 is chilling in it's near-lucidity. I know it's an illusion created by bots talking about the questions that have been asked to them by other lucid people, but god damn doesn't it sound like a real conversation for about 20 seconds.

That guy - 2014-09-29

George Strudel

this is amazing!!

fluffy - 2014-09-29

Roses are red
Violets are blue
How do you know?
I just do

Dib - 2014-09-30

This is what most people sound like in my life.

Gmork - 2015-01-10

I'm probably going to shit myself laughing.

Thank you, I had a somewhat shitty day.

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