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Comment count is 14
jreid - 2014-10-09

Yeah okay this is great.

Also the black and white cat is a polydactyl.

Adham Nu'man - 2014-10-09

What other languages does he speak?

jreid - 2014-10-09

Also the Wikipedia entry on polydactyl cats has been an adventure in interesting facts for me. Did you know:

- Normal cats only have 18 toes

- There's a Canadian polydactyl cat with 27 toes

- The mutation is most prevalent on the east coast of North America, probably spread via ships because Boston-based sailors consider them lucky and good at hunting


memedumpster - 2014-10-09

Is that what they're called? We always called them "mutant paw kitties."

Boomer The Dog - 2014-10-10

Thanks, I didn't know about Polydactyl cats.

I wonder if cat people are ever jealous that Dogs come in more mutations, where kitties seem to be similar in body type and looks to each other. With cats, it's celebrated each time there's an odd mutation.


memedumpster - 2014-10-10

Cats come in the only mutation we care about, NOT sabre toothed.

Boomer The Dog - 2014-10-10

I was thinking about that, people are probably glad that domestic cats aren't much bigger. You'd have viscous cat alerts, cat size restrictions in housing, and cat fights, cat on cat and cat on Dog, would be more deadly.


Adham Nu'man - 2014-10-09

Excellent. This made me happy.

betamaxed - 2014-10-09

Stars for octopussy

Boomer The Dog - 2014-10-09

This video and song are like something Furries would make, just replace the cats with feline fur-suits!


Jet Bin Fever - 2014-10-09

Wouldn't furries still prefer real cats to fursuits? I thought the goal was to get as close to the real animal as possible. Right?

Boomer The Dog - 2014-10-10

I think the goal of lots of Furs is to get as close to the anthro form of the animal as they can, as if the anthro form really existed as a flesh and blood creature.

Some Furs want to be the actual animals, possibly a deep-seated idea with them, but I don't see a lot of it, since Furry is set up for anthro, and for practical reasons. If you were a non-anthro fox, it would be hard to do so many Furry activities, from typing out posts to going to conventions. You'd always need a helper.

I think the anthro form is a good compromise that a lot of Furs look at, and if you want to be an animal, it makes sense with the way the world is set up. I'd be an anthro Dog, because I'd want being a Dog to be an improvement, not losing things I enjoy in the Human world.

I'd like to take a 4-footed vacation though, where I could change from the anthro version of myself and just be like a regular Dog for a while, getting to enjoy things like the Dog park, playing with other Dogs, going on walks as just a Dog, as well as enjoying the Canine form itself and the perspective change, being lower to the ground, and being silent except for regular Dog sounds.


SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-10-10

Someone involved with this REALLY liked the 80's band When In Rome.

That guy - 2014-10-10

Why did I watch most of this?

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