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Comment count is 21
That guy - 2014-10-09

Good evening Andrea.
Oh God I love brunettes. It hurts.
Sorry, what was this about again? Andrea, right?
We love you Andrea!! Stay strong!!!

That guy - 2014-10-11

ps I would love to Fuquay her Varina

theSnake - 2014-10-09

Fucking racist pig cops! They should always assume every time they arrive at a break in reported by neighbors that the man inside a house full of pictures of people of another race is adopted.

The Great Hippo - 2014-10-10

They should also end every argument they have with anyone by pepper-spraying them in the face.

Particularly when they outnumber the person three-to-one.

The Great Hippo - 2014-10-10

It troubles me that so many accept the narrative police present as being reasonable:

"Officers respond to the scene of a break-in; find a suspect who claims to live there. We outnumber him three to one, all have combat training, and are armed with guns. Naturally, when he refuses to cooperate with our commands in what he claims to be his own home, we escalate to violence."

In what universe is that at all sane? Why couldn't it have been 'Two of us will stay with you; one of us will contact the home-owners to verify your story -- meanwhile, let's calm down, have a seat, and talk about football or something'?

Did you know that a while ago, armed police in Iceland had their *first ever* fatal shooting? The guy was firing a shotgun at them. Meanwhile, in America, we have cops who tased and shot a 5 pound chihuahua three times on the family's front porch. Because when one of them chased the dog down and tried to pick him up, he *bit* him.

Did you know that cops keep unofficial online registries on people's license plates to pass to other cops so they can engage in ongoing harassment against people they don't like? Not people who have committed a crime -- people they *LITERALLY* just dislike. Did you know that if you go into a police headquarters and ask how to report an officer for misconduct, there's a not-insignificant chance you will be arrested? Did you know that merely by writing this post, I've opened up the possibility that if an officer near my home ever sees this -- and figures out who I am -- they may decide to fuck me up merely for having the audacity to criticize them on the internet?

If a lot of people seem to have terrible attitudes toward police in America, it's only because a lot of police in America are terrible.

That guy - 2014-10-10

Hippo, I'll agree with everything you said if you admit that you've been tempted to tase a chihuahua at least once in your life.

The Great Hippo - 2014-10-10

Anyone who says they haven't is a damn liar.

baleen - 2014-10-10

"In what universe is that at all sane? Why couldn't it have been 'Two of us will stay with you; one of us will contact the home-owners to verify your story -- meanwhile, let's calm down, have a seat, and talk about football or something'?"

YEAH, but that's assuming that black people aren't just looking for a bunch of free handouts!

memedumpster - 2014-10-10

We have chihuahua eating owls. Those owls are a regional treasure.

Oscar Wildcat - 2014-10-10

I've found that a handfull of #3 chicken grit hurled in the direction of the offending Chihuahua is sufficient to dissuade it from further insane barking and slathering at my south fence. At least for that day.

You know, a good dog can be a real pleasure to own: why on Bog's green earth would you want one of those crappy little pieces of shit?

EvilHomer - 2014-10-10

Yeah, I hate to agree with theSnake, but this sounds less like a case of police being fucktards and more like a case of neighbors being fucktards. The police *are* still fucktards, of course, and Mr Hippo makes some great suggestions, but the cops are maybe only one-third culpable for this incident; the rest of the culpability lies on their snitch-ass neighbors.

Oscar Wildcat - 2014-10-10

If I had a magical power to make all of America participate in a discussion, it would be as follows.

Case law and the police's rules of engagement currently require officers to escalate at _every_ opportunity. This ensures violence as the end result of most encounters. Who has formulated these rules of engagement, and why? This is the stance of an invading army, not a domestic policing body.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-10-10

Isn't it funny how 9/11 made everyone in law enforcement shit themselves and decide that "the people" weren't what they were protecting, but a mass of potential suspects who should be feared and watched for the slightest provocative move?

The Great Hippo - 2014-10-10

I'm sure it got worse after 9/11, but this shit's been going on for a long frigging time.

Simillion - 2014-10-10

This is just like that Chapelle joke about a black guy in new york calling tge cops about a burglary.

*knock on the head as soon as the black guy opens the door then Dave's white guy joke* "We got him boys! Wow, he's still here! Hmm.. peculiar. This black burglar seems to have broken in and put pictures of his family up all over the place!"

dairyqueenlatifah - 2014-10-10


takewithfood - 2014-10-10

This is obviously outrageous, but now I'm also wondering if it's a good burglary tactic to bring along a couple framed photos of yourself to put on the mantle while you're robbing a place.

Robin Kestrel - 2014-10-10

I've noticed how often the cops don't bother to even pretend they felt threatened or that anyone was in any danger prior to their escalation of force. Anymore, it is simply enough that the " suspect was belligerent and failed to follow instructions" and then, bam, out comes the pepper spray, tazers, nightsticks, chokeholds, and guns.

"There was crime in the area recently"... Is there anyplace this statement does not apply?

The Mothership - 2014-10-10

Very evil indeed, but I am buoyed by the loving and strong family that is equally pissed off.

fluffy - 2014-10-10

"Belligerent and threatening" - code for "confused and bigger/darker than us."

Binro the Heretic - 2014-10-11

Pretty fucking evil, there.

Belligerence shouldn't be an excuse for cops to whip out pepper spray or batons or guns. In fact, it's NOT an excuse when the "suspect" is white. We've seen so many videos of white people becoming belligerent with cops and instead of laying a beat-down on them, the cops try to calm them down.

They entered this kid's home and told him he doesn't belong there. I'm reasonably sure they then attempted to slap cuffs on him and haul him to jail. He was young, insulted and frightened. Of course he became belligerent. Anyone would in the same circumstances.


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