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Comment count is 37
Prickly Pete - 2014-10-13

I find something very aurally pleasing about the way he says "pizza". Fortunately for me he says it 10,000 times.

More to the point, allow me to go on a tangent: I watch a lot of "My Strange Addiction," "My Crazy Obsession," "Freaky Eaters," "Obsessed," things of that nature, and the victim (and yes they are victims even if they don't think so) ALWAYS has a significant other. Meanwhile I can't even get a date! I'm not gonna dwell on that point cause I'm not gonna go all TFL over here, but look at pizza boy's fiance! That's a cute, young, seemingly intelligent enough chick: surely there's a non-pizza eating person out there somewhere who can make her happy! So I ask you, what happened to her/the other spouses out there? Pizza boy and the like can't help it; they're mentally ill. But from the boyfriends/girlfriends/fiances, I always sense some kind of trauma. Have some self worth, people! Ok he seems like a nice guy but as I understand it, relationships entail a lot of give and take. You've gotta pick your battles and I don't think "Stop eating pizza every fucking day" is an outrageous demand. If he's not willing to do something about it or even show a desire to do something about it then she doesn't need that shit. That's a deal breaker ladies!

Sorry, indignant outrage over minutia is one of my favorite hobbies...

Aelric - 2014-10-13

Envy of other peoples relationships gets all the girls wet.

Leadbelly - 2014-10-13

Easy killer. Maybe she's happy? Maybe extreme dedication/commitment is her thing? Who knows.

I'm single and dateless as well and this makes me depressed not angry.
Depresses and hungry...

Boomer The Dog - 2014-10-13

I think it's part of the formula for that kind of a show to have an SO in the picture, someone on the 'inside' they can go to for thoughts on what living with the person is like. That would relate the subject to an audience more than what a doctor or even friends think about them.


memedumpster - 2014-10-13

So, surviving on a diet of trash TV has not landed you a fiance. Perhaps you should switch to the pizza dating scene?

The Mothership - 2014-10-13

Dude listen to that woman talk. She's so passive aggressive and shrill, you don't need that. Listen to her telling him that she wants him to never change being someone different in the future that she imagines for him. And she is at best a HB5. Prickly Pete, you can do better.

Prickly Pete - 2014-10-13

You're putting too much focus on one throw away line I had in there about not being able to get a date. That's just an amusing aside, don't let it detract from the point. The point is how damaged are these people that they keep settling for things like this? That would stand whether I had zero dates or 10,000 dates so let's move away from that aspect of it, I was just trying to be funny. But in a marketplace where every little quirk can get you a tv show, where's a show called "My Insane Spouse," or something? I wanna know these peoples' back stories damn it! WHO HURT YOU, MADELINE??

That guy - 2014-10-14

The Mothership, HB5 made me lol.

I keep trying to forget that nomenclature. THANKS!!

spikestoyiu - 2014-10-14

It looks like you view relationships and particularly marriage as a marker of success, which is a shame. No matter how terrible and/or ugly you are (physically, emotionally, whatever), especially at a certain age, finding someone to shack up with you is not all that difficult. Some of the worst people I've ever met have been married, sometimes multiple times. I get that you're probably lonely, but getting married is not an accomplishment.

Sputum - 2014-10-14

Eating a lot of pizza isn't like a huge deal breaker if they have some really positive qualities to balance it out. This guy is charming, dresses well, he's reasonably attractive, and he's got enough initiative to start his own business in the basement.

I know judging weirdos on the internet is basically our schtick here, but you don't have to hate on this guys girlfriend.

That guy - 2014-10-14

We don't have to, but we should, we must, and we're going to.

fluffy - 2014-10-13

If he's obsessed with pizza, then why does he keep on eating Freschetta and Red Baron shit?

He obviously appreciates all sorts of pizza but he should learn to make it himself from scratch - once you prepare your basic dough and sauce, it takes maybe 10 minutes to make one yourself much more quickly and cheaply than the shitty frozen food bullshit

hammsangwich - 2014-10-13

No kidding. Even just buying a store made crust and adding your own sauce and toppings is better than anything you can get from the frozen section.

infinite zest - 2014-10-13

It's actually fun to experiment with the shitty frozen pizza (there was this one kind that was ten pizzas for ten bucks at the Pick and Save.) It's kind of like Top Ramen.. assuming we've all spent some amount of time in Top Ramen town. There's restaurants that sell it for 11-15 bucks but I've figured out ways to make the 10 cent kinds about as good, or at least I try with other ingredients around the house. I don't think I could eat it every day, but unlike other cheap college food, Jack's frozen Pizza and Maruchan Top Ramen don't make me throw up in my mouth a little when I think about those days.

memedumpster - 2014-10-13

According to a South Korean study, if you eat ramen more than twice a week you may as well be taking a sledgehammer to your heart. Pizza is probably a stupendously superior food.

The Mothership - 2014-10-13

Fluffy - the reason this man doesn't cook anything himself is part of his neurosis. He's fucking nuts.

gmol - 2014-10-13

Food doesn't work like that. The Korean study is association not causation where I doubt there is much validity.

Below is the sum of honest evidence based advice on diet (for anyone that isn't suffering from a specific allergy or condition):

-Easy to get calories these days, don't eat too many.

-You probably need to eat a fair bit of fiber, probably to crowd out all the easy calories you can eat these days.

-Avoid transfats.

-You are almost certainly getting your daily RDI for vitamins with today's food supply, but if you aren't sure, check.

-Have you started drinking? Don't. You should probably stop if you have.

-Do you drink a lot? You should definitely stop.

That is it. There is essentially very little else science has to say (this subsumes anythng you've heard about stuff like MSG, salt, antioxidants, aspartame, wine for your heart etc. )

It doesn't mean that nothing else is true, but very little can be said confidently outside of the above.

chairsforcheap - 2014-10-13

I cut my teeth on chairs, and i still sell 'em for cheap. -Chairforcheap

Anagramother - 2014-10-14

First thing I thought too- how depressing that he's not much of a connoisseur. Also, I didn't watch the whole thing but I'm going to pleasantly imagine he gradually extends his diet through the pizza medium by like layering rice and noodle on top of his pizzas

SolRo - 2014-10-14

I'll drink to that advice gmol

memedumpster - 2014-10-14

Sounds like pasta lobby propaganda to me, son.

Present your medical degree credentials or go home, pasta nazi.

*chugs beer*

fluffy - 2014-10-14


most vitamins are easy to get enough of, but B12 is difficult if you're a vegan, and D is difficult if you're a lactose-intolerant Seattleite, such as I am. I really should get my level checked again, now that I've been taking high-dose supplements for a while, since last time my D level was below the detection threshold of the test. It's a wonder my bones don't break every time I go outside.

gmol - 2014-10-14

Never understood the vegan worry about B12. Pretty sure I get all my B12 from fortified stuffs like cereal and almond/soy milk.

Bort - 2014-10-14

Do you have a basic, simple sauce recipe that you are fond of? Is this something we should take over to schadenfood.org?

fluffy - 2014-10-14

For sauce I just use the jarred marinara sauce from my local Kroger-equivalent. It suits me just fine.

But yeah schadenfood could use more activity. By all means, feel free to discuss food there!

Old_Zircon - 2014-10-14

I can appreciate really low quality food. Every so often I still have a craving for the horrible, cracker-thin $.99 cent I.G.A. frozen pizzas of the 90s, and wish they still existed.

Who was it who had the famous quote about how only liking high class, "quality things is one of the surest signs that a person has no taste? Because he really nailed it with that one. It's the same reason lawyers who buy ,000 guitars usually just listen to horseshit like Johnny Lang.

yogarfield - 2014-10-13


Oh wait..

gmol - 2014-10-13

I don't get it, it says from the get go that he doesn't just eat pizza.

I'll bet the diet works out fine for the most part (as long as one doesn't eat too much). Mostly grains (like most american diets), diary fat and protein as well as some veggies and meats.

Old_Zircon - 2014-10-13

I started making my own dough from scratch this month, suddenly pizza seems downright healthy since it's not full of way too much oil and salt. Even the fresh dough from the local bakery was way too wet and sticky, homemade's the way to go. I'm even learning to toss it all fancy like.

fluffy - 2014-10-13

He doesn't like pizza without vegetables because that doesn't taste like pizza to him.

I posted a dough recipe on schadenfood, in case you're interested: http://forum.schadenfood.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2

SolRo - 2014-10-14

I'd like some clarification as well.

By choice he seems to only eat cheese pizza, but said 'I don't only eat pizza' right at the start. Does he consider his insulin as food?

Are there even the proper vitamins and minerals between the cheese/dough/tomato sauce to keep a human being alive? Is he chugging fiber and vitamin supplements between pizzas to keep alive?

Old_Zircon - 2014-10-14

Thanks for the recipe, I'll try that! I've been doing a mix of white and light whole wheat flours, and making about half that quantity (3.5 cups flour to 1.5 cups water). Also instead of salt I've lately taken to using a teaspoon of baking soda, and I usually add a tablespoon of olive oil to the water right before I start adding the flour. I ten to put a teaspoon of brown sugar in at the same time as the yeast, too, and sometimes I'll toss in some rosemary or basil but not lately. And I knead instead of stirring, but after it rises I don't beat it down or anything, I just flatten it into a disc maybe 6 inches in diameter, a bit thinner in the middle, and then toss it until its about 12". I've been baking on a cheap stone from Target at 450 but I'll try 550 next time. I've found that kneading it after it comes out of the refrigerator makes it harder to stretch, so unless
I'm impatient I try to let it warm up to room temperature slowly and rise a bit more. Usually I'm impatient though.

The Mothership - 2014-10-13

We're all gonna die. I'm gonna die with pizza in my stomach. It's gonna be good.

So I have diabetes.

fluffy - 2014-10-14

You have to watch your diet, "allegedly."

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-10-14

I can't add too much to the comments above... except WHAT IS IT WITH HIS STICK SHIFT? I guess he made it himself, but can someone explain the advantage of a two foot long stick shift?

ShiftlessRastus - 2014-10-14

This is Kevin McCallister all grown up. "A lovely cheese pizza, just for me."

poopy - 2014-10-14

This is really quotable.

"I don't like vegetables. Why would I eat a pizza with mushrooms on it when I really like a standard cheese pizza? I don't want to corrupt the taste."

"I'm not overweight"

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