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Comment count is 16
baleen - 2014-10-14

Ah, the follies of youth.

yogarfield - 2014-10-14

"It's important to me that my son doesn't sound like a prick" is a salient point. Unfortunately, she would have to write that down, affix it to a Ninja Arrow, and shoot him in the heart for her to have any chance of killing his prickness.

Gmork - 2014-10-14

He is obsessed with all the wrong games.

Let ninja gaiden go, child. Let it go.

RedHood - 2014-10-15


Caminante Nocturno - 2014-10-14

A true ninja knows better than to sound like a prick.

SolRo - 2014-10-14

Things ninjas should sound like;

"Just the wind"

"Probably some cat"

"You're just imagining things"

That guy - 2014-10-14

"Ok, but- you're not my mother."

This is so much better than I thought it would be.

Bort - 2014-10-14

So did he ever get his chocolate milk or is that still unresolved?

hammsangwich - 2014-10-14

Mountain Dew :/

dairyqueenlatifah - 2014-10-14

Does anyone know how old this guy is?

Rosebeekee - 2014-10-14

Wow, I'm surprised that only half the youtube comments think she's a bitch.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2014-10-14

I really don't see how she's a bitch. She's just being a mom.

Hell at least she gives a damn how her [man]child talks to strangers online. That's more than can be said about most parents you hear over mics in online game streams.

Bort - 2015-05-25

Seems like a pretty damn good mom to me.

RedHood - 2014-10-15

So speaking of video games, I kinda hit a lull and don't have anything to play atm. I am gonna wait a bit before I try Styx: Master of Shadows but it looks super fun to me. I have never played any of the Dark Souls games and have been wanting to pick them up recently. Q: Should I skip the first one and dive right into #2? Will I miss any storyline?

oddeye - 2014-10-15

Dwarf Fortress

oddeye - 2014-10-15

WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS STREAMING SHIT!?!? (more like steaming, right?)

Professionals you might want to watch for their honed skills, maybe I guess, whatever. But this semi-skilled (at best) BULLSHIT?? Why? Just fucking WHY!? Why watch this? What possible reason could I have to for watching this dumb motherfucko play a videogame I don't care about in a completely uninteresting, half-assed way?!?

I just can't fucking understand, this is WORSE THAN GOLF, BITCHES.

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